ArcGIS API for Windows Phone - Library Reference
ESRI.ArcGIS.Client Namespace
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ClassArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer Dynamic ArcGIS REST map service layer.
ClassArcGISImageServiceLayer Dynamic ArcGIS REST image service layer.
ClassArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer Tiled ArcGIS REST map service layer.
ClassClassBreakInfo An object to group (or classify) symbology and class breaks information for a ClassBreaksRenderer.
ClassClassBreaksRenderer A custom graphics renderer where the symbology of a Layer is displayed via groups based upon numerical data.
ClassClusterer Abstract clustering class used for creating custom cluster algorithms used with the GraphicsLayer.
ClassColorRange Utility class used to define a range of interpolated Colors via a Color Wheel using a starting and ending pair of Colors.
ClassDataBinding The class supports the ArcGIS API for Silverlight infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ClassDateTimeTypeConverter DateTime Converter for specifying System.DateTime in XAML.
ClassDraw The Draw object used to draw Graphic objects against the Map
ClassDrawEventArgs Draw Event Arcguments used when Drawing Operations are Complete
ClassDynamicLayer Abstract dynamic layer class
ClassDynamicMapServiceLayer Abstract dynamic map service layer class
ClassEditGeometry GraphicLayer editor
ClassEditGeometry.GeometryEditEventArgs Geometry edit event arguments used by used by the EditGeometry.GeometryEdit event.
ClassEditor Editor object which enables editing and selection support for FeatureLayer and GraphicsLayer.
ClassEditor.ActionEventArgs Action Event arguments, base for CommandEventArgs and EditEventArgs
ClassEditor.Change Edit changes used by the Editor.EditCompleted event
ClassEditor.CommandEventArgs Command Event arguments used by the Editor.EditorActivated event.
ClassEditor.EditEventArgs Edit Event arguments used by the Editor.EditCompleted event.
ClassElementLayer Framework Element component layer
ClassExtentEventArgs Event argument for a change in map extent.
ClassFeatureLayer Graphics layer displaying features from a REST service
ClassField A field in a layer.
ClassGraphic A visual element that typically represents geographic data used for rendering in a GraphicsLayer of the Map Control.
ClassGraphicCollection An observable collection of Graphic.
ClassGraphicMouseButtonEventArgs Provides event data for the GraphicsLayer.MouseLeftButtonDown andGraphicsLayer.MouseLeftButtonUp events.
ClassGraphicMouseEventArgs Provides data for mouse-related events on GraphicsLayer that do not specifically involve mouse buttons, for example GraphicsLayer.MouseMove.
ClassGraphicsClusterer Abstract clustering class that implements a common clustering algorithm.
ClassGraphicsDataSource Base Graphics DataSource that allows binding a model or view to GraphicsLayer.GraphicsSource and converting the items to renderable Graphics in the process.
ClassGraphicsDataSource.DataObject For internal use only
ClassGraphicsLayer A map layer containing a set of interactable vector graphics
ClassGroupLayer Group Layer collection
ClassLayer This is the base class for all geographic data that can be added to the Map Control.
ClassLayerCollection A collection of Map Layers
ClassLayerDefinition Allows you to filter the features of individual layers in an ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer layer map by specifying definition expressions for those layers.
ClassLayerInfo Contains information about each layer in an ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer service.
ClassLayerLegendInfo Information about the legend/TOC entries for a layer.
ClassLayerTimeOptionCollection Collection of TimeOption objects used for each sub-layer of a time-enabled ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer.
ClassLegendItemInfo Information about a legend item (a label, an image and, optionaly a description).
ClassLod Levels of detail (LOD) for a TiledMapServiceLayer. Each LOD corresponds to a map at a given scale or resolution.
ClassMap Represents a Map control with a set of service layers that can be navigated using mouse and keyboard controls.
ClassMap.MapGestureEventArgs Gesture event argument for touch gesture events.
ClassMap.MouseEventArgs Mouse event arguments
ClassMapImage The results of an export map operation or Geoprocessor GetResultImage method call.
ClassMosaicRule Specifies the mosaic rule when defining how individual images should be mosaicked. It specifies selection, mosaic method, sort order, overlapping pixel resolution, etc.
ClassOpacityRange Utility class used to define a range of interpolated opacity (i.e. visibility) of a Symbol using a starting and ending pair of doubles.
ClassPointDataSource Point Graphics DataSource that allows binding a model or view with X/Y or Latitude/Longitude properties to GraphicsLayer.GraphicsSource and converting the items to renderable Point Graphics in the process.
ClassProgressEventArgs Holds event data for the Progress event.
ClassRampInterpolator Display a gradual change in symbology across a specified Map.TimeExtent for a TemporalRenderer of a FeatureLayer.
ClassRenderer This static class is used to create a Renderer from a string in JSON format.
ClassRendererInfo Base class for RendererInfo
ClassRenderingRule Specifies the rendering rule for how custom images requested for an ArcGISImageServiceLayer should be rendered.

Note: This API is now obsolete. Please use the ScaleLine control in the ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Toolkit namespace.

The ScaleBar Control generates a bar representing a certain distance on the map.

ClassSimpleClusterer Clusterer that represents child elements in a cluster.
ClassSimpleRenderer Simple graphics renderer returning one symbol.
ClassSizeRange Utility class used to define a range of interpolated sizes of a Symbol using a starting and ending pair of doubles.
ClassStringToInt32ArrayConverter String To Int32 Array Converter
ClassStringToStringArrayConverter String To String Array Converter
ClassTable Represents Table information found in a service layer.
ClassTemporalRenderer A custom graphics renderer where the symbology of a FeatureLayer is displayed based upon time information.
ClassTiledLayer Abstract tiled/cached map service layer class
ClassTiledLayer.TileLoadEventArgs Event Arguments for the TiledLayer.TileLoaded and TiledLayer.TileLoading event.
ClassTiledMapServiceLayer Abstract tiled/cached map service layer class
ClassTileInfo Contains information about the tiling scheme for a TiledMapServiceLayer.
ClassTimeClassBreakInfo TimeClassBreakInfo for the TimeClassBreaksAger.
ClassTimeClassBreaksAger Provides a mechanism to display different symbology for temporal based FeatureLayer data by groupings of time ranges.
ClassTimeExtent Time Extent.
ClassUniqueValueInfo UniqueValueInfo for the UniqueValueRenderer.
ClassUniqueValueRenderer Custom graphics renderer
ClassVertexAddedEventArgs Draw Event Arcguments used when Drawing Operations are Complete


InterfaceIAttribution Interface to implement by layers supporting attribution.
InterfaceIJsonSerializable An interface for serializing an object to JSON.
InterfaceILegendSupport Interface to implement by layers or renderers supporting legend.
InterfaceIProjectionService Declares a contract for projecting graphics between spatial references.
InterfaceIRenderer IRenderer interface for generating ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Symbols.Symbols based on the graphic.
InterfaceISublayerVisibilitySupport Interface to implement by layers supporting the management of sublayers visibility.
InterfaceITemporalRenderer ITemporalRenderer interface for generating aged ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Symbols.Symbols based on the graphic's age.
InterfaceITileCache Interface used for allowing tiled layers to locally cache tiles


DelegateDynamicLayer.OnImageComplete Get image source complete EventHandler
DelegateDynamicMapServiceLayer.OnUrlComplete Get URL complete EventHandler
DelegateGraphicsLayer.MouseButtonEventHandler Represents the method that handles the GraphicsLayer.MouseLeftButtonDown, and GraphicsLayer.MouseLeftButtonUp events.
DelegateGraphicsLayer.MouseEventHandler Represents the method that will handle mouse related routed events that do not specifically involve mouse buttons; for example, System.Windows.UIElement.MouseMove.
DelegateLayerCollection.LayersInitializedHandler Layer initialization handler for the LayerCollection.LayersInitialized event.
DelegateMap.RotationChangedEventHandler Rotation Changed event handler


EnumerationArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer.RestImageFormat Output image formats supported by ArcGIS map services.
EnumerationArcGISImageServiceLayer.ImageServiceImageFormat Output image formats supported by ArcGIS image services.
EnumerationArcGISImageServiceLayer.ImageServiceInterpolation The resampling process of extrapolating the pixel values while transforming the raster dataset when it undergoes warping or when it changes coordinate space.
EnumerationDrawMode The drawing mode used by the Draw Object
EnumerationEditGeometry.Action Describes the action that caused a EditGeometry.GeometryEdit event.
EnumerationEditor.EditAction Describes the action that caused a Editor.EditCompleted event.
EnumerationFeatureLayer.QueryMode Describes how the layer queries the service: Gets a snapshot of all or all available features; Gets the features in the current extent and caches upto the OnDemandCacheSize number of features; or has its graphics collection managed by selection tools.
EnumerationField.FieldType Field type
EnumerationGestureType Contains values that represent different multitouch gestures.

Note: This API is now obsolete. Please use ScaleLineUnit in the ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Toolkit namespace.

Unit used by the scale bar

EnumerationTimeUnit Unit of measurement in time

See Also

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