What's new in version 2.0
New Features
- An Attachment Manager to provide a simple, coarse-grained API for managing feature attachments
- Support for viewing and editing feature details using web map popups.
- Improved quality and performance of rendering graphics.
Migrating existing applications from v1.8
Migrating existing applications and projects to use the new API is relatively easy and straight-forward. Great attention has been given to preserving backward-compatibility and maintaining existing behavior where possible.
XCode Project Changes
- MediaPlayer needs to be added to the project's frameworks.
- MobileCoreServices needs to be added to the project's frameworks.
API Changes
- Constructor methods initWithGeometry:symbol:attributes:infoTemplateDelegate: and graphicWithGeometry:symbol:attributes:infoTemplateDelegate: on AGSGraphic now take an NSMutableDictionary object for the attributes parameter instead of an NSDictionary object.
- Constructor methods for AGSWebMap which take in an NSError** object have been deprecated and replaced with methods that do not require that object. The new methods inform the AGSWebMapDelegate when the webmap is loaded successfully or if it fails to load.
Updates to v2.0
This update adds support for iOS 5. At the time of releasing this update, iOS 5 was still only in Beta 7. You can use this update to ready your applications in anticipation of supporting iOS 5 once it is finally released. The API remains unchanged from v2.0. If you have already migrated your application to use v2.0, no additional migration steps are required. You simply need to uninstall the previous SDK package, install the updated package, and rebuild your application.

ArcGIS project templates are still not supported with XCode 4.2 Developer Preview. You need to manually configure a new project as described in Using Apple's iOS Project Templates, or use an existing project or sample that has already been configured. We expect to fully support XCode 4.2 once it is finally released.