Secure Services
Layers and Tasks in ArcGIS API for iOS communicate with ArcGIS Server web services. These services might be secured to permit access only to authorized users. An ArcGIS Server instance can use one of two authentication methods: token-based authentication or HTTP authentication. Both types of authentication modes are supported by the API.
Accessing secure services using credentials
If you know the credentials (username and password) needed to access a secure service, you can pass these credentials to the layer/task through an AGSCredential object.
//create the credential
AGSCredential* cred = [[[AGSCredential alloc] initWithUser:@"<user>" password:@"<password>"] autorelease];
//pass the credential to layer or task
AGSDynamicMapServiceLayer* layer = [AGSDynamicMapServiceLayer dynamicMapServiceLayerWithURL:url credential:cred ];
AGSQueryTask* task = [AGSQueryTask queryTaskWithURL:url credential:cred];
HTTP authentication
If the service is using HTTP authentication, the credentials (username and password) will be propagated to the service using HTTP request headers.
Token authentication
If the service is using token-based authentication, the API will attempt to discover the URL of the token service where tokens can be acquired. If you know this information in advance, you can provide it to the AGSCredential object so that that API does not make any unnecessary network requests to discover the same information.
AGSCredential* cred = [[[AGSCredential alloc]
initWithUser:@"<user>" password:@"<password>" authenticationType:AGSAuthenticationTypeToken tokenUrl:url
The layer/task will propogate your credentials to the token service and transparently acquire a token on your behalf. The token will then be included in every request to the service. When the token expires, the layer/task will automatically acquire a fresh token.
Accessing secure services using tokens
If you do not feel comfortable exchanging credentials over the network, and the services you are trying to access are secured using token based authentication, you can pre-acquire a token manually and then use it to initalize an AGSCredential object.
//when using a short lived token
AGSCredential* cred = [[[AGSCredential alloc] initWithToken:@"<token>"] autorelease];
//when using a long lived token.
//also need to provide the referer used when generating the token
AGSCredential* cred = [[[AGSCredential alloc] initWithToken:@"<token>" referer:@"<referer>"] autorelease];
The API will then simply include the token in every request to the service. It is your reponsibility to periodically update the AGSCredential object's token, otherwise the layer/task will stop working unexpectedly when the token expires.
Encrypting data
To safeguard content exchanged over the network from eavesdroppers and man-in-the-middle attacks, you should use HTTPS whenever supported by the service. This will ensure that your data, credentials, or tokens are not compromised. HTTPS connections use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to encrypt information exchanged over the network and digital certificates to verify identities of the parties involved.

Self-signed certificates are not supported. You will need to use certificates issued only by a trusted certificate authority.