Customizing SettingsPage

The out-of-box mobile application for Windows Mobile provides a SettingsPage that you can access through Menu > Settings on SelectTaskPage. This is where configurations for the mobile application are stored. For example, you can configure com port, baudrate, and datebits for devices such as Gps unit, specify data collection parameters, such as order of geometry and attribute collection in CollectFeaturesTask, or decide the interval for the application to post updates back to the server.

If you build a Task or ProjectExtension that's customizable by your user, you can add a new ActionItem to the SettingsPage and link to the UI for customization.

To add a new setting ActionItem to the SettingsPage, listen to SettingsPage.CreatingActionItems event. This event will be fired when it generates a list of ActionItems on the SettingsPage. You will get an ActionItemEventArgs.ActionItems list to which you add the ActionItem.
