Customizing SearchFeaturesTask/WorkListTask

SearchFeaturesTask provides a generic search tool for searching features based upon a combination of query criteria, and in many cases, should be sufficient. If you need to implement a different query logic with different user experience, you can easily create a new Task or ProjectExtension to achieve this. Please refer to CustomSearchTask sample for more details.

WorkListTask is where a collection of Features are stored for easy access by field workers. For example, you can store a collection of Features that need inspection by a speicfic field worker on the WorkListPage.

Currently, application framework exposes two extensible points for both SearchFeaturesTask and WorkListTask. You can customize the pop-up menu when an item is activated from SearchResultsPage or WorkList page (see pop-up menu for more details). You can also customize the right menu items for SearchFeaturesTask and WorkListTask. Note that the left menu item on these two Tasks are not customizable.
