GeoRSS extension


This sample demonstrates a project extension that allows you to download data from a GeoRSS feed and display the information on a customized map graphic layer. The .ame file contains a list of available GeoRSS URLs that you can use, or you can find other GeoRSS feeds and use yours instead. You can add one or more than one GeoRSS feed in the .ame file. A list of these will be displayed on the right soft menu on the View Map page. This sample shows how to fuse external data into your mobile application and how to display such data via a map graphic layer.

Products: ArcGIS Mobile

Platforms: Windows Mobile 5/6

Requires: Visual Studio 2008 with SP1, .NET Compact Framework 2.0 SP2

How to use

  1. Open the project within Visual Studio 2008. Learn how to set up your development machine.
  2. Compile the project and deploy the assembly to your mobile device or emulator. Read more information about deployment.
  3. Prepare a mobile project with an associated mobile service carrying a feature class that has a BLOB field starting with audio_ in its name. Download the mobile project to your device/emulator.
  4. Open the .ame file (comes with the project) and make necessary modifications to meet your needs.
  5. Build and deploy the Mobile Project assembly file (comes with the sample project) to the <ArcGIS Mobile installation path>\bin\Extensions folder on your desktop where you will author your mobile project with the Mobile Project Center application.
  6. In Mobile Project Center, add the extension to your project on the Capabilities tab.
  7. Deploy your mobile project to your Windows Mobile device or emulator. Get more details on deployment.
  8. Start the out-of-the-box mobile application.
  9. Tap to open the mobile project.
  10. On the Select Task page, tap View Map.
  11. On the View Map page, tap the right soft menu and find the list of GeoRSS feeds.
  12. Tap one of the feeds from the menu.
The project extension grabs information from the selected GeoRSS feed and displays it on the map page.

Where to get the sample

The sample is available for download.
