ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile Namespace
See Also  Inheritance Hierarchy Send Feedback


ClassDataChangedEventArgs Special implementation of EventArgs that contains data changed information.
ClassDataSource Defines a DataSource that can be consumed by Map component.
ClassDataSourceCollection Collection of DataSources.
ClassDisplay Represents the drawing surface of a Map component.
ClassLayer Defines the base class for layers in the map.
ClassLegendSwatch Describes a legend swatch (value and image).
ClassMap Represents a collection of geographic, annotation, and graphic layers drawn using a map transformation.
ClassMapActionCollection Collection of MapActions.
ClassMapGraphicLayer MapGraphicLayer is a layer rendered by the Map control after all MapLayers and Annotation layers have been rendered.
ClassMapGraphicLayerCollection Collection used by the Map control to hold the list of MapGraphicLayer.
ClassMapImage Encapsulates a core color image object.
ClassMapLayer Representation of Layer exposed to the user via MapLayers collection on Map.
ClassMapLayerCollection Represents a collection of MapLayers accessible from Map.
ClassMapMouseEventArgs Event arguments passed by the map mouse events.
ClassMapPaintEventArgs MapPaintEventArgs is used by the Map Paint event. It contains the Map Display object and the Map Display Graphics object. Both Display and Graphics objects should be used but not hold by the client. These objects are disposed by the Map when necessary. Both Graphics and Display objects can be used to draw on the Map. Graphics is using System.Drawing library and works in screen units. Display is using map units.
ClassMetricUnitLabels Metric unit label system implementation.
ClassPaintOperation Render a geometry on the display.
ClassPointPaintOperation Represent a symbol for rendering Area.
ClassQueryFilter QueryFilter filters data based on an attribute query. An enumeration defining SpatialRelation is required. An optional list of columns may be included to specify the column values to be retrieved. If no columns are specified, all values will be returned.
ClassReadOnlyLayerCollection Collection of Cache Layers.
ClassRenderer Abstract class representing a mobile service renderer.
ClassScaleBar ScaleBar base class.
ClassScaleBarUnitLabels Defines the base class for ScaleBar's Unit labels.
ClassSelectionGraphicLayer MapGraphicLayer for storing and representing feature selections.
ClassSingleColorMapLayer SingleColor MapLayer class. Used for applying tinting between map layers
ClassStrokeFillPaintOperation Represent a symbol for rendering Area.
ClassStrokePaintOperation Represents a symbol for rendering Line.
ClassSymbol A Symbol represents a collection of PaintOperation used to render a geometry on the Display.
ClassUSCustomaryUnitLabels U.S. Customary unit label system implementation.
ClassWindowsExceptionHelper Helper class to work with Win 32 errors. TODO: It might need to be merged with WindowsApi class.


InterfaceIDataSourceMapLayer Can be implemented by MapLayers to provide access to the data Layer used by the MapLayer.
InterfaceIDomain Defines the set of properties and methods for Domain classes.
InterfaceILayer Defines the properties and methods for data sources layers.
InterfaceIMap Interface for Map Control
InterfaceIMapEvents Map Events Interface
InterfaceIMapWinFormsEvents IMap Windows Events
InterfaceIOrientablePointPaintOperation Defines a interface for a PointPaintOperation that will orientation.
InterfaceISpatialData Defines the set of properties and methods supported by spatial data


StructureGlobalId Structure that represent a Geodatabase GlobalId value (Used to guarantee the uniqueness of rows).
StructureTextSize Size struct used to return size in Map units of Text.


EnumerationColumnErrorCode Error code for column errors.
EnumerationFillDirection The direction to the GradientFill will follow
EnumerationGeometricRelationshipType Specifies the desired spatial relationship between a search geometry and a feature geometry.
EnumerationPointPaintStyle Type of representation for a point symbol.
EnumerationScaleBarDisplayPosition ScaleBar's alignments.
EnumerationScaleBarUnitLabelPosition Units label vertical position on the ScaleBar.
EnumerationScaleBarUnitSystem Units systems.
EnumerationSelectionType Specifies the desired type of Selection.
EnumerationSnapToleranceUnits Options for Snap Tolerance Units
EnumerationTextAlignment Text alignment enumeration for the Display.DrawText method.

See Also