Identify task sample

Complexity: Intermediate Data Requirement:

The purpose of this sample is to show the user how to use the Identify task to query features on the map and show these results in a callout. The sample adds a tiled map service as the basemap and a dynamic map service of recent earthquakes. The dynamic map service is the same as that used for the Identify task.

Sample design

The maps' layers are added to the map via code in the activities onCreate() method and the parameters for the Identify task are also created (map service uniform resource locator [URL] and layers to query). An OnSingleTapListener is set on the map and within this class, the Identify task is created and invoked via an Executor (as the Task abstract super class implements the Callable<T> interface), which allows the task to run in a different thread from the user interface (UI) thread. The geometry is obtained from the onSingleTap event and is passed to the task. The results from the Identify task are processed in the onCompletion() method and placed in a map callout.

In the callout, a spinner is customized by overriding the IdentifyResultSpinnerAdapter class. In the new adapter within the getView() method, create a ListView that is populated with IdentifyResult.

Using the sample

  1. Load the sample on your phone.
  2. Click the earthquake graphic or red dot. A callout shows a list of earthquakes in the vicinity of the map click.