Adding a Bing Maps layer sample

Complexity: Beginner Data Requirement: ArcGIS Tutorial Data for Desktop

The purpose of this sample is to show how to add a Bing Maps (formerly Microsoft Virtual Earth) layer to a map. The sample connects to the ArcGIS Online 'California Fire History with Bing' WebMap which uses the Bing Maps Road basemap with the California Fire History map service as an operational layer on top.

Sample design

This sample has a MapView that contains a webmap. The webmap is constructed with a dynamic mapservice layer and a Bing Maps layer. For the Bing Maps layer, an appId is required. You can create a Bing Maps account at the Bing Maps Account Center if you have not already done so. Once you have a Bing Maps appId you can add it in the appId attribute of the MapView tag of the layout xml file.

Using the sample

  1. Launch the sample using on a device.

    The map loads with the Bing Maps layer in the road map style and the California Fire History map service layer.
