Organize queries

You can use the Queries panel to make various changes to the existing queries in a map. For example, once you've created a query or if you've opened a map containing a query, you may want to modify the query in some way by either changing or adding another parameter, or logical operator to the query expression, or you may want to change which fields are visible in the results. After you've made your changes, you can save them to a different map, or overwrite the original map if you created it. After having modified the definition of a query, you may also want to rename the query accordingly.

Organize the queries in a map

Open the Queries panel by clicking the Queries button on the Mapping toolbar, and click the Organize button at the bottom of the panel.

The Queries panel in organize mode

To rename a query

Change the name of a query by clicking the text box and editing the text as required. This only changes the displayed name of the query, and does not affect the definition of the query.

Renaming a query in Queries panel organize mode

To change the order of the queries in the list

Click on the handle on the right of a query and drag it up or down within the list to change the order which it appears in the list.

Reordering queries in Queries panel organize mode

To remove a query

Click the Remove button to the left of a query to remove it from the map.

Removing a query in Queries panel organize mode

To modify the definition of a query

Click the Properties button to display the definition of the query. You can edit the various properties of the query using the same interface as is used to create a new query.

Modifying the properties of a query in Queries panel organize mode

Learn more about defining a query

If you make a mistake, you can undo any of these changes by clicking the Undo button Undo button at the top left of the screen.

When you are finished making changes, click the Done button at the bottom right of the panel to switch back to normal queries list mode.
