The Map Legend

A legend (or key) of map layers and their symbology is displayed by clicking the Map Legend tab in the left side panel. This shows the Map Legend in the left side panel. The Map Legend panel displays a legend for layers that are currently visible.

The Map Legend panel showing legend information

If there are no layers in the map, or if all layers in a map are not visible due to the current map scale or time range, the panel will indicate this.

The legend indicates when there are no layers with legend information currently visible in the map

The Map Legend tab will only be visible if there are layers in the map for which a legend can be shown; for example, a map service with legend information. You can control whether or not to show legend information for a layer stored in the map by opening the Layer Details view of the Layers panel and checking or unchecking the Show in legend check box.

The Show in legend checkbox in the Layer Details view of the Layers panel
