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Represents a linear, angular, or area unit of measure used by a Geometry or CoordinateSystem, or in measurement or measurement conversion functions.

The Unit..::.Angular type exposes the following members.


Returns a Unit object representing angle in degrees (Id = 9102). A degree is equal to pi/180 radians.
Returns a Unit object representing angle in gons (Id = 9106). Equivalent to one one-hundredth of a right-angle, a gon is equal to pi/200 radians. Also known as a grad.
Returns a Unit object representing angle in grads (Id = 9105). Equivalent to one one-hundredth of a right-angle, a grad is equal to pi/200 radians. Also known as a gon.
Returns a Unit object representing angle in microradians (Id = 9109). One microradian is equal to one millionth of a radian.
Returns a Unit object representing angle in mils (Id = 9114). One mil equals the angle subtended by 1/64000 part of a circle, approximately 1/1000th of a radian. This unit is commonly used by military organizations.
Returns a Unit object representing angle in arc-minutes (Id = 9103). An arc-minute is equal to 1/60th of a degree.
Returns a Unit object representing angle in centesimal minutes (Id = 9112). A centesimal minute is equal to 1/100th of a grad or gon.
Returns a Unit object representing angle in radians (Id = 9101). A radian is an SI standard unit, equaling 180/pi degrees.
Returns a Unit object representing angle in arc-seconds (Id = 9104). An arc-second is equal to 1/60th of an arc-minute.
Returns a Unit object representing angle in centesimal seconds (Id = 9113). A centesimal second is equal to 1/100th of a centesimal minute.

See Also

Relate Topics:
  Unit.Angular Properties
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