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Gets the name of the Raster.

Namespace:  ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Data
Assembly:  ESRI.ArcGISExplorer (in ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.dll) Version: (


public string Name { get; }
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public ReadOnly Property Name As String

Field Value

The name of the Raster.


The code below opens a ArcSDE geodatabase raster using the OpenArcSDERaster method, then prints the Name and ShortName properties.

  //The raster is stored in an SQL Server Express geodatabase so check that direct connect is possible
  if (ArcSDEConnectionProperties.CanUseDirectConnect == true)
    //Open a ArcSDE geodatabase raster 
    Raster mtnRaster = Raster.OpenArcSDERaster(@"C:\Data\SQLServer.sde", "SDE.DBO.SOUTHGORMS_HO");

    //Print the name of the raster
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(mtnRaster.Name);       //Prints "SDE.DBO.SOUTHGORMS_HO"
    //Print the short name of the raster
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(mtnRaster.ShortName);  //Prints "SOUTHGORMS_HO"
'The raster is stored in an SQL Server Express geodatabase so check that direct connect is possible
If ArcSDEConnectionProperties.CanUseDirectConnect = True Then

  'Open a ArcSDE geodatabase raster
  Dim mtnRaster As Raster = Raster.OpenArcSDERaster("C:\Data\SQLServer.sde", "SDE.DBO.SOUTHGORMS_HO")

  'Print the name of the raster
  System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(mtnRaster.Name)       'Prints "SDE.DBO.SOUTHGORMS_HO"
  'Print the short name of the raster
  System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(mtnRaster.ShortName)  'Prints "SOUTHGORMS_HO"

  'Find out how many bands the raster is composed of
  Dim bandCount As Integer = mtnRaster.BandCount

  'Print out the raster band names
  For Each bandName As String In mtnRaster.GetBandNames()

End If

See Also

Relate Topics:
  BandCount Property
  CellSize Property
  ColumnCount Property
  CoordinateSystem Property
  Extent Property
  HasPyramids Property
  RootDataContainer Property
  RowCount Property
  ShortName Property
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