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The StatePlane class contains nested classes which help you create specific types of coordinate system.

The CoordinateSystem..::.ProjectedCoordinateSystems..::.StatePlane..::.NAD1983 type exposes the following members.


Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 Maine 2000 Central Zone CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 3463.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 Maine 2000 East Zone CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 3072.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 Maine 2000 West Zone CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 3074.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Alabama East FIPS 0101 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26929.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Alabama West FIPS 0102 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26930.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Alaska 10 FIPS 5010 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26940.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Alaska 1 FIPS 5001 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26931.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Alaska 2 FIPS 5002 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26932.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Alaska 3 FIPS 5003 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26933.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Alaska 4 FIPS 5004 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26934.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Alaska 5 FIPS 5005 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26935.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Alaska 6 FIPS 5006 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26936.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Alaska 7 FIPS 5007 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26937.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Alaska 8 FIPS 5008 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26938.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Alaska 9 FIPS 5009 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26939.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Arizona Central FIPS 0202 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26949.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Arizona East FIPS 0201 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26948.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Arizona West FIPS 0203 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26950.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Arkansas North FIPS 0301 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26951.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Arkansas South FIPS 0302 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26952.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane California I FIPS 0401 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26941.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane California II FIPS 0402 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26942.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane California III FIPS 0403 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26943.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane California IV FIPS 0404 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26944.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane California V FIPS 0405 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26945.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane California VI FIPS 0406 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26946.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Colorado Central FIPS 0502 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26954.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Colorado North FIPS 0501 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26953.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Colorado South FIPS 0503 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26955.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Connecticut FIPS 0600 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26956.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Delaware FIPS 0700 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26957.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Florida East FIPS 0901 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26958.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Florida North FIPS 0903 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26960.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Florida West FIPS 0902 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26959.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Georgia East FIPS 1001 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26966.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Georgia West FIPS 1002 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26967.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Guam FIPS 5400 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 65161.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Hawaii 1 FIPS 5101 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26961.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Hawaii 2 FIPS 5102 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26962.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Hawaii 3 FIPS 5103 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26963.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Hawaii 4 FIPS 5104 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26964.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Hawaii 5 FIPS 5105 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26965.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Idaho Central FIPS 1102 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26969.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Idaho East FIPS 1101 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26968.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Idaho West FIPS 1103 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26970.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Illinois East FIPS 1201 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26971.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Illinois West FIPS 1202 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26972.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Indiana East FIPS 1301 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26973.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Indiana West FIPS 1302 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26974.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Iowa North FIPS 1401 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26975.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Iowa South FIPS 1402 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26976.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Kansas North FIPS 1501 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26977.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Kansas South FIPS 1502 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26978.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Kentucky FIPS 1600 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 3088.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Kentucky North FIPS 1601 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2205.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Kentucky South FIPS 1602 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26980.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Louisiana North FIPS 1701 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26981.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Louisiana Offshore FIPS 1703 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32199.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Louisiana South FIPS 1702 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26982.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Maine East FIPS 1801 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26983.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Maine West FIPS 1802 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26984.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Maryland FIPS 1900 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26985.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Massachusetts Island FIPS 2002 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26987.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Massachusetts Mainland FIPS 2001 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26986.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Michigan Central FIPS 2112 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26989.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Michigan North FIPS 2111 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26988.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Michigan South FIPS 2113 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26990.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Minnesota Central FIPS 2202 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26992.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Minnesota North FIPS 2201 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26991.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Minnesota South FIPS 2203 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26993.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Mississippi East FIPS 2301 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26994.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Mississippi West FIPS 2302 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26995.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Missouri Central FIPS 2402 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26997.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Missouri East FIPS 2401 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26996.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Missouri West FIPS 2403 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 26998.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32100.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Nebraska FIPS 2600 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32104.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Nevada Central FIPS 2702 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32108.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Nevada East FIPS 2701 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32107.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Nevada West FIPS 2703 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32109.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane New Hampshire FIPS 2800 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32110.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane New Jersey FIPS 2900 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32111.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane New Mexico Central FIPS 3002 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32113.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane New Mexico East FIPS 3001 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32112.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane New Mexico West FIPS 3003 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32114.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane New York Central FIPS 3102 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32116.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane New York East FIPS 3101 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32115.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane New York Long Island FIPS 3104 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32118.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane New York West FIPS 3103 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32117.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3200 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32119.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane North Dakota North FIPS 3301 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32120.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane North Dakota South FIPS 3302 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32121.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Ohio North FIPS 3401 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32122.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Ohio South FIPS 3402 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32123.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Oklahoma North FIPS 3501 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32124.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Oklahoma South FIPS 3502 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32125.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Oregon North FIPS 3601 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32126.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Oregon South FIPS 3602 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32127.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Pennsylvania North FIPS 3701 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32128.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Pennsylvania South FIPS 3702 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32129.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Puerto Rico Virgin Islands FIPS 5200 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32161.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Rhode Island FIPS 3800 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32130.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane South Carolina FIPS 3900 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32133.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane South Dakota North FIPS 4001 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32134.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane South Dakota South FIPS 4002 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32135.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Tennessee FIPS 4100 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32136.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Texas Central FIPS 4203 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32139.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Texas North Central FIPS 4202 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32138.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Texas North FIPS 4201 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32137.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Texas South Central FIPS 4204 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32140.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Texas South FIPS 4205 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32141.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Utah Central FIPS 4302 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32143.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Utah North FIPS 4301 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32142.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Utah South FIPS 4303 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32144.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Vermont FIPS 4400 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32145.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Virginia North FIPS 4501 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32146.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Virginia South FIPS 4502 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32147.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Washington North FIPS 4601 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32148.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Washington South FIPS 4602 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32149.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane West Virginia North FIPS 4701 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32150.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane West Virginia South FIPS 4702 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32151.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Wisconsin Central FIPS 4802 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32153.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Wisconsin North FIPS 4801 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32152.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Wisconsin South FIPS 4803 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32154.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Wyoming East Central FIPS 4902 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32156.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Wyoming East FIPS 4901 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32155.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Wyoming West Central FIPS 4903 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32157.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Wyoming West FIPS 4904 CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 32158.

See Also

Relate Topics:
  CoordinateSystem.ProjectedCoordinateSystems.StatePlane.NAD1983 Properties
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