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The StatePlane class contains nested classes which help you create specific types of coordinate system.

The CoordinateSystem..::.ProjectedCoordinateSystems..::.StatePlane..::.NAD1983IntlFeet type exposes the following members.


Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Arizona Central FIPS 0202 Feet Intl CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2223.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Arizona East FIPS 0201 Feet Intl CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2222.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Arizona West FIPS 0203 Feet Intl CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2224.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Michigan Central FIPS 2112 Feet Intl CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2252.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Michigan North FIPS 2111 Feet Intl CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2251.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Michigan South FIPS 2113 Feet Intl CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2253.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 Feet Intl CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2256.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane North Dakota North FIPS 3301 Feet Intl CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2265.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane North Dakota South FIPS 3302 Feet Intl CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2266.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Oregon North FIPS 3601 Feet Intl CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2269.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Oregon South FIPS 3602 Feet Intl CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2270.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane South Carolina FIPS 3900 Feet Intl CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2273.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Utah Central FIPS 4302 Feet Intl CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2281.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Utah North FIPS 4301 Feet Intl CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2280.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Utah South FIPS 4303 Feet Intl CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2282.

See Also

Relate Topics:
  CoordinateSystem.ProjectedCoordinateSystems.StatePlane.NAD1983IntlFeet Properties
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