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Represents a geodatabase domain of which there two types: CodedValueDomain or RangeDomain.

Namespace:  ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Data
Assembly:  ESRI.ArcGISExplorer (in ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.dll) Version: (


public class Domain
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Class Domain


The class does not apply to shapefiles or dBase files and only applies to geodatabases which have domains already defined.

Currently it is not possible to access the following information relating to domains: default values, validation rules, and split/merge policies.

Use the HasDomain property to determine whether a Column has a domain defined.


The code below returns the CodedValueDomain associated with a column in a geodatabase feature class and then prints out the properties relating to it.
  Table parcels = Table.OpenFileGeodatabaseTable(@"C:\Data\Montgomery.gdb", "parcels");

  //check that the "ZONING_S" column of the "parcels" feature class has a Domain assigned 
  if (parcels.Columns["ZONING_S"].HasDomain)
    //return the Domain
    Domain domain = parcels.Columns["ZONING_S"].GetDomain();

    //check the Domain type
    if (domain.Type == DomainType.CodedValue)
      CodedValueDomain cvDom = domain as CodedValueDomain;

      //Print the properties for this coded value domain
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(cvDom.Name);                    //Prints "ZoningCodes"
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(cvDom.Type.ToString());         //Prints "CodedValue"
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(cvDom.Description);             //Prints "Simplified zoning codes"
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(cvDom.ColumnType.ToString());   //Prints "String"
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(cvDom.Count.ToString());        //Prints "7"
Dim parcels As Table = Table.OpenFileGeodatabaseTable("C:\Data\Montgomery.gdb", "parcels")

'check that the "ZONING_S" column of the "parcels" feature class has a Domain assigned 
If (parcels.Columns.Item("ZONING_S").HasDomain) Then

  'return the Domain
  Dim dom As Domain = parcels.Columns.Item("ZONING_S").GetDomain()

  'check the Domain type
  If (dom.Type = DomainType.CodedValue) Then

    Dim cvDom As CodedValueDomain = DirectCast(dom, CodedValueDomain)

    'Print the properties for this coded value domain
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(cvDom.Name)                    'Prints "ZoningCodes"
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(cvDom.Type.ToString())         'Prints "CodedValue"
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(cvDom.Description)             'Prints "Simplified zoning codes"
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(cvDom.ColumnType.ToString())   'Prints "String"
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(cvDom.Count.ToString())        'Prints "7"
  End If
End If

Inheritance Hierarchy

See Also

Relate Topics:
  Domain Members
  Domain Methods
  Domain Properties
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