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The CoordinateSystem..::.ProjectedCoordinateSystems..::.StatePlane..::.NAD1983Feet type exposes the following members.


Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Alabama East FIPS 0101 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102629.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Alabama West FIPS 0102 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102630.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Alaska 10 FIPS 5010 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102640.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Alaska 1 FIPS 5001 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102631.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Alaska 2 FIPS 5002 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102632.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Alaska 3 FIPS 5003 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102633.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Alaska 4 FIPS 5004 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102634.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Alaska 5 FIPS 5005 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102635.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Alaska 6 FIPS 5006 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102636.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Alaska 7 FIPS 5007 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102637.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Alaska 8 FIPS 5008 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102638.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Alaska 9 FIPS 5009 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102639.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Arizona Central FIPS 0202 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102649.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Arizona East FIPS 0201 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102648.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Arizona West FIPS 0203 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102650.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Arkansas North FIPS 0301 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 3433.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Arkansas South FIPS 0302 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 3434.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane California I FIPS 0401 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2225.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane California II FIPS 0402 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2226.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane California III FIPS 0403 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2227.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane California IV FIPS 0404 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2228.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane California V FIPS 0405 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2229.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane California VI FIPS 0406 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2230.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Colorado Central FIPS 0502 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2232.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Colorado North FIPS 0501 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2231.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Colorado South FIPS 0503 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2233.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Connecticut FIPS 0600 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2234.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Delaware FIPS 0700 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2235.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Florida East FIPS 0901 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2236.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Florida North FIPS 0903 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2238.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Florida West FIPS 0902 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2237.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Georgia East FIPS 1001 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2239.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Georgia West FIPS 1002 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2240.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Guam FIPS 5400 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102766.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Hawaii 1 FIPS 5101 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102661.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Hawaii 2 FIPS 5102 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102662.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Hawaii 3 FIPS 5103 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 3759.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Hawaii 4 FIPS 5104 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102664.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Hawaii 5 FIPS 5105 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102665.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Idaho Central FIPS 1102 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2242.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Idaho East FIPS 1101 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2241.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Idaho West FIPS 1103 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2243.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Illinois East FIPS 1201 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 3435.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Illinois West FIPS 1202 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 3436.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Indiana East FIPS 1301 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2965.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Indiana West FIPS 1302 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2966.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Iowa North FIPS 1401 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 3417.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Iowa South FIPS 1402 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 3418.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Kansas North FIPS 1501 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 3419.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Kansas South FIPS 1502 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 3420.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Kentucky FIPS 1600 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 3089.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Kentucky North FIPS 1601 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2246.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Kentucky South FIPS 1602 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2247.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Louisiana North FIPS 1701 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102681.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Louisiana Offshore FIPS 1703 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 3453.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Louisiana South FIPS 1702 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102682.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Maine East FIPS 1801 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102683.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Maine West FIPS 1802 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102684.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Maryland FIPS 1900 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2248.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Massachusetts Island FIPS 2002 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2250.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Massachusetts Mainland FIPS 2001 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2249.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Michigan Central FIPS 2112 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102689.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Michigan North FIPS 2111 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102688.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Michigan South FIPS 2113 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102690.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Minnesota Central FIPS 2202 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102692.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Minnesota North FIPS 2201 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102691.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Minnesota South FIPS 2203 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102693.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Mississippi East FIPS 2301 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2254.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Mississippi West FIPS 2302 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2255.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Missouri Central FIPS 2402 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102697.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Missouri East FIPS 2401 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102696.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Missouri West FIPS 2403 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102698.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102700.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Nebraska FIPS 2600 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102704.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Nevada Central FIPS 2702 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 3422.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Nevada East FIPS 2701 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 3421.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Nevada West FIPS 2703 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 3423.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane New Hampshire FIPS 2800 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 3437.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane New Jersey FIPS 2900 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 3424.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane New Mexico Central FIPS 3002 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2258.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane New Mexico East FIPS 3001 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2257.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane New Mexico West FIPS 3003 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2259.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane New York Central FIPS 3102 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2261.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane New York East FIPS 3101 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2260.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane New York Long Island FIPS 3104 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2263.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane New York West FIPS 3103 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2262.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3200 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2264.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane North Dakota North FIPS 3301 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102720.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane North Dakota South FIPS 3302 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102721.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Ohio North FIPS 3401 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 3734.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Ohio South FIPS 3402 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 3735.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Oklahoma North FIPS 3501 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2267.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Oklahoma South FIPS 3502 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2268.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Oregon North FIPS 3601 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102726.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Oregon South FIPS 3602 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102727.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Pennsylvania North FIPS 3701 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2271.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Pennsylvania South FIPS 3702 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2272.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane PR Virgin Islands FIPS 5200 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102761.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Rhode Island FIPS 3800 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 3438.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane South Carolina FIPS 3900 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102733.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane South Dakota North FIPS 4001 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102734.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane South Dakota South FIPS 4002 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102735.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Tennessee FIPS 4100 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2274.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Texas Central FIPS 4203 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2277.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Texas North Central FIPS 4202 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2276.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Texas North FIPS 4201 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2275.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Texas South Central FIPS 4204 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2278.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Texas South FIPS 4205 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2279.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Utah Central FIPS 4302 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 3566.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Utah North FIPS 4301 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 3560.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Utah South FIPS 4303 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 3567.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Vermont FIPS 4400 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102745.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Virginia North FIPS 4501 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2283.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Virginia South FIPS 4502 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2284.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Washington North FIPS 4601 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2285.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Washington South FIPS 4602 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2286.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane West Virginia North FIPS 4701 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102750.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane West Virginia South FIPS 4702 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 102751.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Wisconsin Central FIPS 4802 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2288.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Wisconsin North FIPS 4801 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2287.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Wisconsin South FIPS 4803 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 2289.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Wyoming East Central FIPS 4902 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 3737.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Wyoming East FIPS 4901 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 3736.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Wyoming West Central FIPS 4903 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 3738.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 StatePlane Wyoming West FIPS 4904 (Feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 3739.

See Also

Relate Topics:
  NAD1983StatePlaneAlabamaEastFIPS0101Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneAlabamaWestFIPS0102Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneAlaska10FIPS5010Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneAlaska1FIPS5001Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneAlaska2FIPS5002Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneAlaska3FIPS5003Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneAlaska4FIPS5004Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneAlaska5FIPS5005Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneAlaska6FIPS5006Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneAlaska7FIPS5007Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneAlaska8FIPS5008Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneAlaska9FIPS5009Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneArizonaCentralFIPS0202Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneArizonaEastFIPS0201Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneArizonaWestFIPS0203Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneArkansasNorthFIPS0301Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneArkansasSouthFIPS0302Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneCaliforniaIFIPS0401Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneCaliforniaIIFIPS0402Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneCaliforniaIIIFIPS0403Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneCaliforniaIVFIPS0404Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneCaliforniaVFIPS0405Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneCaliforniaVIFIPS0406Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneColoradoCentralFIPS0502Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneColoradoNorthFIPS0501Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneColoradoSouthFIPS0503Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneConnecticutFIPS0600Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneDelawareFIPS0700Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneFloridaEastFIPS0901Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneFloridaNorthFIPS0903Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneFloridaWestFIPS0902Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneGeorgiaEastFIPS1001Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneGeorgiaWestFIPS1002Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneGuamFIPS5400Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneHawaii1FIPS5101Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneHawaii2FIPS5102Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneHawaii3FIPS5103Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneHawaii4FIPS5104Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneHawaii5FIPS5105Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneIdahoCentralFIPS1102Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneIdahoEastFIPS1101Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneIdahoWestFIPS1103Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneIllinoisEastFIPS1201Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneIllinoisWestFIPS1202Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneIndianaEastFIPS1301Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneIndianaWestFIPS1302Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneIowaNorthFIPS1401Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneIowaSouthFIPS1402Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneKansasNorthFIPS1501Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneKansasSouthFIPS1502Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneKentuckyFIPS1600Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneKentuckyNorthFIPS1601Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneKentuckySouthFIPS1602Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneLouisianaNorthFIPS1701Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneLouisianaOffshoreFIPS1703Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneLouisianaSouthFIPS1702Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneMaineEastFIPS1801Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneMaineWestFIPS1802Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneMarylandFIPS1900Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneMassachusettsIslandFIPS2002Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneMassachusettsMainlandFIPS2001Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneMichiganCentralFIPS2112Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneMichiganNorthFIPS2111Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneMichiganSouthFIPS2113Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneMinnesotaCentralFIPS2202Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneMinnesotaNorthFIPS2201Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneMinnesotaSouthFIPS2203Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneMississippiEastFIPS2301Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneMississippiWestFIPS2302Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneMissouriCentralFIPS2402Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneMissouriEastFIPS2401Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneMissouriWestFIPS2403Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneMontanaFIPS2500Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneNebraskaFIPS2600Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneNevadaCentralFIPS2702Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneNevadaEastFIPS2701Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneNevadaWestFIPS2703Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneNewHampshireFIPS2800Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneNewJerseyFIPS2900Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneNewMexicoCentralFIPS3002Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneNewMexicoEastFIPS3001Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneNewMexicoWestFIPS3003Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneNewYorkCentralFIPS3102Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneNewYorkEastFIPS3101Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneNewYorkLongIslandFIPS3104Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneNewYorkWestFIPS3103Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneNorthCarolinaFIPS3200Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneNorthDakotaNorthFIPS3301Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneNorthDakotaSouthFIPS3302Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneOhioNorthFIPS3401Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneOhioSouthFIPS3402Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneOklahomaNorthFIPS3501Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneOklahomaSouthFIPS3502Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneOregonNorthFIPS3601Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneOregonSouthFIPS3602Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlanePennsylvaniaNorthFIPS3701Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlanePennsylvaniaSouthFIPS3702Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlanePRVirginIslandsFIPS5200Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneRhodeIslandFIPS3800Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneSouthCarolinaFIPS3900Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneSouthDakotaNorthFIPS4001Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneSouthDakotaSouthFIPS4002Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneTennesseeFIPS4100Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneTexasCentralFIPS4203Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneTexasNorthCentralFIPS4202Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneTexasNorthFIPS4201Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneTexasSouthCentralFIPS4204Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneTexasSouthFIPS4205Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneUtahCentralFIPS4302Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneUtahNorthFIPS4301Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneUtahSouthFIPS4303Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneVermontFIPS4400Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneVirginiaNorthFIPS4501Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneVirginiaSouthFIPS4502Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneWashingtonNorthFIPS4601Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneWashingtonSouthFIPS4602Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneWestVirginiaNorthFIPS4701Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneWestVirginiaSouthFIPS4702Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneWisconsinCentralFIPS4802Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneWisconsinNorthFIPS4801Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneWisconsinSouthFIPS4803Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneWyomingEastCentralFIPS4902Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneWyomingEastFIPS4901Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneWyomingWestCentralFIPS4903Feet Property
  NAD1983StatePlaneWyomingWestFIPS4904Feet Property
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