Locale-specific ComboBox

PurposeThis sample demonstrates how to include and display locale-specific strings in an add-in using multiple locale-specific resource files that create locale-specific satellite assemblies, and MSBuild tasks to update the satellite assemblies to the correct locations for inclusion in the add-in .eaz file.

How to use

See Using the samples for help on compiling, setting up the debugger, and running the sample. If the sample has associated data, you will find that the sample's zip file includes a "data" folder alongside the language folders. However, you will need to update the sample to point to the location of the data once you have extracted all the files.

  1. Open and build the solution in Visual Studio.
  2. Start ArcGIS Explorer, and open a map in which you want to use the sample task.
  3. Select the Add-Ins tab from the ArcGIS Explorer Ribbon.
  4. Select the type of navigation required from the Navigate combo box.
  5. Navigate between items in the map using the Go To button on the Ribbon or the Go To context menu item.
  6. Change the type of navigation and navigate again.
  7. Open the ArcGIS Explorer Options dialog box by clicking the ArcGIS Explorer button and choosing ArcGIS Explorer Options.
  8. In the Common pane, choose a different language (German, Spanish, French, or English) for the application, and restart ArcGIS Explorer.
  9. Select the Add-Ins tab again, and notice that the Navigate combo box has locale-specific text strings.

Download the files for all languages
LocaleSpecificCS2008.csproj Project file that includes MSBuild tasks to copy the different locale-specific satellite assemblies into the correct project locations for inclusion in the add-in .eaz file. The MSBuild tasks run after the project builds but before the add-in .eaz file is created or updated.
Navigate.cs This class defines the combo box using locale-specific resources to fill the combo box items.
Resources.resx Default locale resources. These resources are compiled into the main assembly.
Resources.de-DE.resx German locale resources. These resources are compiled into a German locale satellite assembly and placed in a subfolder of the target build directory named de-DE.
Resources.es-ES.resx Spanish locale resources. These resources are compiled into a Spanish locale satellite assembly and placed in a subfolder of the target build directory named es-ES.
Resources.fr-FR.resx French locale resources. These resources are compiled into a French locale satellite assembly and placed in a subfolder named fr-FR.
Download the C# files
LocaleSpecificVB2008.vbproj Project file that includes MSBuild tasks to copy the different locale-specific satellite assemblies into the correct project locations for inclusion in the add-in .eaz file. The MSBuild tasks run after the project builds but before the add-in .eaz file is created or updated.
Navigate.vb This class defines the combo box using locale-specific resources to fill the combo box items.
Resources.resx Default locale resources. These resources are compiled into the main assembly.
Resources.de-DE.resx German locale resources. These resources are compiled into a German locale satellite assembly and placed in a subfolder of the target build directory named de-DE.
Resources.es-ES.resx Spanish locale resources. These resources are compiled into a Spanish locale satellite assembly and placed in a subfolder of the target build directory named es-ES.
Resources.fr-FR.resx French locale resources. These resources are compiled into a French locale satellite assembly and placed in a subfolder named fr-FR.
Download the VB.NET files

See Also:

How to create a locale-specific add-in