The ArcGIS Explorer SDK for the Microsoft .NET Framework includes the Visual Studio Tools for ArcGIS Explorer.
These tools are installed if you selected the Visual Studio 2008 or Visual Studio 2010 Integration options in the SDK installation program - there are separate options for installing the tools for Visual Studio, Visual C# Express and Visual Basic Express. By default all these options are selected if the appropriate Visual Studio installations are found.
These tools help you to create and test new add-in projects quickly and easily by providing the following components and functionality:
Use the project templates and wizards to create new add-in projects.
Use the item templates and wizards to add new customizations to existing add-in projects, deploying multiple Buttons, DockWindows, Galleries and/or Extensions in a single add-in file.
MSBuild Tasks to help create and verify compiled add-ins, and immediately deploy and test them on your machine.
After you have built your add-in and begun to test it, you may wish to debug the add-in from Visual Studio, in order to trace and fix problems found at runtime. See the How to debug add-ins in Visual Studio topic for more information.
Portions of the Visual Studio Tools for ArcGIS Explorer use:
- Mono.Cecil, MIT/X11 License