The ArcGIS Explorer API is an intuitive, concise, .NET API for ArcGIS Explorer.


The ESRI.ArcGISExplorer namespace is the root namespace for all ArcGIS Explorer objects. As well as containing the main Application, Data, Geometry, Mapping, and Threading namespaces, it also provides a few types which are used throughout the entire system.

Additional namespace information: Overview, Class Diagram

The Application namespace is the starting point for ArcGIS Explorer customization. The application namespace contains six abstract classes from which each type of Add-In can be derived, and application classes that enable you to provide application-specific functionality.


Additional namespace information: Overview, Class Diagram

The Data namespace contains classes to access data stored on disk. It provides the capability for you to find out what is stored inside a geodatabase or directory and to be able to access and query that data.


Additional namespace information: Overview, Class Diagram

The Geometry namespace contains classes representing the different types of geometrical shape (for example points or polygons), and also operations that work on geometry objects, (for example moving a point).


Additional namespace information: Overview, Class Diagram

The Mapping namespace contains classes that represent the map and the different types of map content. You can use these classes to programmatically add and remove map content, or navigate to a specific location on the map.


Additional namespace information: Overview, Class Diagram

The Threading namespace contains classes for performing work on a background thread in ArcGIS Explorer. The ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Threading.BackgroundWorker class provides a similar programming experience to using the System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker class (part of the .NET framework itself).