Returns a collection of all rows in the Table.

Namespace:  ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Data

Assembly:  ESRI.ArcGISExplorer (in ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.dll) Version: (


public RowCollection GetRows()
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Function GetRows As RowCollection

Return Value

A RowCollection object which contains Row objects each of which represents a record in the Table.


The code below performs an in-memory join between a feature class and a table then iterates over all the rows in the joined table using the GetRows method.
//Open Montgomery file geodatabase
Geodatabase gdb = new Geodatabase(@"C:\Data\Montgomery.gdb");

//Open the parcels feature class
Table parcels = gdb.OpenTable("parcels");

//Open the owners table
Table owners = gdb.OpenTable("owners");

//Join the owners table to the parcels table (the cardinality is 1:1)
Table parcelsOwners = parcels.Join(owners, "PROPERTY_I", "PROPERTY_ID", TableJoinType.KeepOnlyMatchingRows);

//Return all the rows in the joined table printing out the 'parcel_id' value from
//the parcels feature class and the 'owner_name' value from the owners table.
foreach (Row joinedRow in parcelsOwners.GetRows())
  string output = string.Format("Parcel ID = {0}, Owner = {1}", joinedRow.Values["parcels.parcel_id"],

'Open Montgomery file geodatabase
Dim gdb As Geodatabase = New Geodatabase("C:\Data\Montgomery.gdb")

'Open the parcels feature class
Dim parcels As Table = gdb.OpenTable("parcels")

'Open the owners table
Dim owners As Table = gdb.OpenTable("owners")

'Join the owners table to the parcels table (the cardinality is 1:1)
Dim parcelsOwners As Table = parcels.Join(owners, "PROPERTY_I", "PROPERTY_ID", TableJoinType.KeepOnlyMatchingRows)

'Return all the rows in the joined table printing out the 'parcel_id' value from
'the parcels feature class and the 'owner_name' value from the owners table.
For Each joinedRow As Row In parcelsOwners.GetRows()
  Dim output As String = String.Format("Parcel ID = {0}, Owner = {1}", joinedRow.Values.Item("parcels.parcel_id"), _


See Also