Gets the object which represents the physical storage container on disk.

Namespace:  ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Data

Assembly:  ESRI.ArcGISExplorer (in ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.dll) Version: (


public Object RootDataContainer { get; }
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public ReadOnly Property RootDataContainer As Object

Field Value

An object representing the data container which could either be a Geodatabase or a DataDirectory.


The code below demonstrates how to use the RootDataContainer property to return a reference to the actual data container, which in the example is a Geodatabase object.
//Open a file geodatabase feature class
Table someTable = Table.OpenFileGeodatabaseTable(@"C:\Data\World.gdb", "countries");

//Return reference to the data container
object container = someTable.RootDataContainer;

//Check to see what type of container it is
if (container is Geodatabase)
  //Cast the object to a Geodatabase
  Geodatabase gdb = container as Geodatabase;

  //Return the type of geodatabase
  GeodatabaseType gdbType = gdb.Type;
else if (container is DataDirectory)
  //Cast the object to a DataDirectory
  DataDirectory dataDir = container as DataDirectory;

  //Return the path to the directory which contains the Table
  string fodlerPath = dataDir.Path;
'Open a file geodatabase feature class
Dim someTable As Table = Table.OpenFileGeodatabaseTable("C:\Data\World.gdb", "countries")

'return reference to the data container
Dim container As Object = someTable.RootDataContainer

'Check to see what type of container it is
If TypeOf container Is Geodatabase Then

  'Cast the object to a Geodatabase
  Dim gdb As Geodatabase = DirectCast(container, Geodatabase)

  'Return the type of geodatabase
  Dim gdbType As GeodatabaseType = gdb.Type

ElseIf TypeOf container Is DataDirectory Then

  'Cast the object to a DataDirectory
  Dim dataDir As DataDirectory = DirectCast(container, DataDirectory)

  'Return the path to the directory which contains the Table
  Dim fodlerPath As String = dataDir.Path
End If

See Also