Initializes a new instance of the Index class which can be used to create a new named, single-column index on disk when it is added to the IndexCollection. This constructor only applies to file geodatabase tables and feature classes.

Namespace:  ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Data

Assembly:  ESRI.ArcGISExplorer (in ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.dll) Version: (


public Index(
	string indexName,
	string columnName
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Sub New ( _
	indexName As String, _
	columnName As String _


Type: System..::.String

The index name.
Type: System..::.String

The name of the Column to index.


The following properties use their default values:

  • IsUnique property is set to falseFalsefalsefalse (False in Visual Basic).
  • IsAscending property is set to trueTruetruetrue (True in Visual Basic).


The code below, which would be suitable for a dockable window add-in, presents a scenario where the user can build an index against any column in the selected feature layer. A new Index object is created for the specified Column which has the same index name but prefixed by "idx_". The Index is then added to the IndexCollection using the IndexCollection.Add method.
//Get first selected map item
MapItem firstSelectedMapItem = ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Application.Application.SelectedItems[0];

//Exit if either no selection or if selection is not a FeatureLayer
if ((firstSelectedMapItem == null) || !(firstSelectedMapItem is FeatureLayer))

//Get selected feature layer
FeatureLayer someFeatureLayer = firstSelectedMapItem as FeatureLayer;

//Get the Table
Table someTable = someFeatureLayer.Table;

//Indexes cannot be created for ArcSDE data so check for this.
object dataContainer = someTable.RootDataContainer;
if (dataContainer is Geodatabase)
  Geodatabase gdb = dataContainer as Geodatabase;
  if (gdb.Type == GeodatabaseType.ArcSDE)

//Get the IndexCollection for the Table
IndexCollection indexes = someTable.Indexes;

//Simulated code to represent a user selecting an item from a list of column names
System.Windows.Forms.ListBox columnsListBox = new System.Windows.Forms.ListBox();
string columnName = columnsListBox.SelectedItem.ToString();

//Check whether the column already participates in any indexes
if (indexes.FindIndexesByColumnName(columnName).Count == 0)
    //Create the new index
    string indexName = string.Format("idx_ {0}",columnName);
    Index newIndex = new Index(indexName, columnName); //if shapefile the index name parameter will be ignored
    //Add it to the IndexCollection
  catch (Exception ex)
    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(string.Format("It was not possible to build an index for the {0} column: {1}",columnName, ex.Message));
'Get first selected map item
Dim firstSelectedMapItem As MapItem = ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Application.Application.SelectedItems.Item(0)

'Exit if either no selection or if selection is not a FeatureLayer
If firstSelectedMapItem Is Nothing Or Not TypeOf firstSelectedMapItem Is FeatureLayer Then
End If

'Get selected feature layer
Dim someFeatureLayer As FeatureLayer = DirectCast(firstSelectedMapItem, FeatureLayer)

'Get the Table
Dim someTable As Table = someFeatureLayer.Table

'Indexes cannot be created for ArcSDE data so check for this.
Dim dataContainer As Object = someTable.RootDataContainer
If TypeOf dataContainer Is Geodatabase Then
  Dim gdb As Geodatabase = DirectCast(dataContainer, Geodatabase)
  If gdb.Type = GeodatabaseType.ArcSDE Then
  End If
End If

'Get the IndexCollection for the Table
Dim indexes As IndexCollection = someTable.Indexes

'Simulated code to represent a user selecting an item from a list of column names
Dim columnsListBox As System.Windows.Forms.ListBox = New System.Windows.Forms.ListBox()
Dim columnName As String = columnsListBox.SelectedItem.ToString()

'Check whether the column already participates in any indexes
If indexes.FindIndexesByColumnName(columnName).Count = 0 Then
    'Create the new index
    Dim indexName As String = String.Format("idx_ 0", columnName)
    Dim newIndex As Index = New Index(indexName, columnName) 'if shapefile the index name parameter will be ignored
    'Add it to the IndexCollection
  Catch ex As Exception
    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(String.Format("It was not possible to build an index for the 0 column: 1", columnName, ex.Message))
  End Try
End If

See Also