Returns a new Geometry which is a copy of the input Geometry rotated by the specified angle.

Overload List

Rotate(Geometry, Double)
Returns a new Geometry which is a copy of the input Geometry rotated by the specified angle in radians.
Rotate(Geometry, Point, Double)
Returns a new Geometry which is a copy of the input Geometry rotated by the specified angle in radians, using the specified Point as the origin of rotation.
Rotate(Geometry, Double, Unit)
Returns a new Geometry which is a copy of the input Geometry rotated by the specified angle in the specified angular units.
Rotate(Geometry, Point, Double, Unit)
Returns a new Geometry which is a copy of the input Geometry rotated by the specified angle in the specified angular units, using the specified Point as the origin of rotation.


The Rotate method does not change the inputGeometry object.

See Also