Gets a value indicating whether the table participates in any relationships, which could either be permanent geodatabase relationship classes or in memory table relationships.

Namespace:  ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Data

Assembly:  ESRI.ArcGISExplorer (in ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.dll) Version: (


public bool HasRelationships { get; }
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public ReadOnly Property HasRelationships As Boolean

Field Value

trueTruetruetrue (True in Visual Basic) if the Table participates in any relationships with other tables; otherwise, falseFalsefalsefalse (False in Visual Basic).


The code below checks that the Properties feature class participates in relationships with other tables using the HasRelationships property and then uses the GetTableRelationships method to discover the names of associated relationships.
//Open a file geodatabase feature class called Properties
Table properties = Table.OpenFileGeodatabaseTable(@"C:\Data\Property.gdb", "Properties");

//Determine whether the Properties table participates in any relationships
if (properties.HasRelationships == true)
  //Example 1 - print the names of all relationships that the Properties table participates in
  foreach (TableRelationship rel in properties.GetTableRelationships())

  //Example 2 - print the names of the relationships that the Properties table participates in
  //where it acts as the origin in the relationship.
  foreach (TableRelationship rel in properties.GetTableRelationships(TableRelationshipRole.Origin))

  //Example 3 - print the names of only the geodatabase relationships that the Properties table participates in
  //and where it acts as the origin in the relationship
  foreach (TableRelationship rel in properties.GetTableRelationships(TableRelationshipRole.Origin, TableRelationshipType.Geodatabase))
'Open a file geodatabase feature class called properties
Dim properties As Table = Table.OpenFileGeodatabaseTable("C:\Data\Property.gdb", "Properties")

'Determine whether the "Properties" table participates in any relationships
If properties.HasRelationships = True Then

  'Example 1 - print the names of all relationships that the "Properties" table participates in
  For Each rel As TableRelationship In properties.GetTableRelationships()

  'Example 2 - print the names of the relationships that the "Properties" table participates in
  'where it acts as the origin in the relationship.
  For Each rel As TableRelationship In properties.GetTableRelationships(TableRelationshipRole.Origin)

  'Example 3 - print the names of only the geodatabase relationships that the "Properties" table participates in
  'and where it acts as the origin in the relationship
  For Each rel As TableRelationship In properties.GetTableRelationships(TableRelationshipRole.Origin, TableRelationshipType.Geodatabase)

End If

See Also