Gets a collection containing all columns in the Table.

Namespace:  ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Data

Assembly:  ESRI.ArcGISExplorer (in ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.dll) Version: (


public ColumnCollection Columns { get; }
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public ReadOnly Property Columns As ColumnCollection

Field Value

A ColumnCollection object which contains Column objects each of which represents a set of data values of a particular ColumnType, one for each row of the Table.


The code below provides three examples of how to access data stored in a Row using the RowValueCollection. Example 2 uses the Columns property to access the column name for each value in the RowValueCollection.
//Open Montgomery file geodatabase
Geodatabase gdb = new Geodatabase(@"C:\Data\Montgomery.gdb");

//Open the parcels featureclass
Table parcels = gdb.OpenTable("parcels");

//Get a single parcel
Row row = parcels.GetRow(3704);

//Get the RowValueCollection for this Row
RowValueCollection values = row.Values;

//Example 1 - iterate over the RowValueCollection using a 'for each' loop printing out the column values.
foreach (object val in values)

//Example 2- iterate over the RowValueCollection using a 'for' loop printing out the column names
//and their associated values. The coded value will be printed for any columns which have an
//associated coded value domain defined.
for (int i = 0; i < values.ColumnCount; i++)
  //Get the name of the column
  string columnName = values.Columns[i].Name;

  string rowValue = string.Empty;

  if ((values.Columns[i].HasDomain) && (values.Columns[i].GetDomain().Type == DomainType.CodedValue))
    //Get the coded value if a coded value domain is defined against this column
    rowValue = values.GetCodedName(i);
    //Get the actual value stored in the table
    rowValue = values[i].ToString();

  //Print the column name and the value for every column in this Row
  System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(string.Format("Column Name: {0}, Row Value: {1}", columnName, rowValue));

//Example 3 - Get values for individual columns

//Get the unique id value maintained by the geodatabase.
int uniqueID = (int)values[parcels.Columns.ObjectIDColumnName];

//Get the actual value stored in the table for the 'Zoning_S' column
string zoningValue = (string)values["ZONING_S"];
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(zoningValue);  //Prints "R"

//Get the coded value stored in the domain associated with the 'Zoning_S' column
string zoningCodedDomainValue = (string)values.GetCodedName("ZONING_S");
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(zoningCodedDomainValue);   //Prints "Residential"
'Open Montgomery file geodatabase
Dim gdb As Geodatabase = New Geodatabase("C:\Data\Montgomery.gdb")

'Open the parcels featureclass
Dim parcels As Table = gdb.OpenTable("parcels")

'Get a single parcel
Dim r As Row = parcels.GetRow(3704)

'Get the RowValueCollection for this Row
Dim values As RowValueCollection = r.Values

'Example 1 - iterate over the RowValueCollection using a 'for each' loop printing out the column values.
For Each val As Object In values

'Example 2 - iterate over the RowValueCollection using a 'for' loop printing out the column names
'and their associated values. The coded value will be printed for any columns which have an
'associated coded value domain defined.
For i As Integer = 0 To values.ColumnCount - 1
  'Get the name of the column
  Dim columnName As String = values.Columns.Item(i).Name
  Dim rowValue As String = String.Empty

  If ((values.Columns.Item(i).HasDomain) And (values.Columns.Item(i).GetDomain().Type = DomainType.CodedValue)) Then

    'Get the coded value if a coded value domain is defined against this column
    rowValue = values.GetCodedName(i)

    'Get the actual value stored in the table
    rowValue = values.Item(i).ToString()
  End If

  'Print the column name and the value for every column in this Row
  System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(String.Format("Column Name: {0}, Row Value: {1}", columnName, rowValue))


'Example 3 - Get values for individual columns

'Get the unique id value maintained by the geodatabase.
Dim uniqueID As Integer = DirectCast(values.Item(parcels.Columns.ObjectIDColumnName), Integer)

'Get the actual value stored in the table for the 'Zoning_S' column
Dim zoningValue As String = DirectCast(values.Item("ZONING_S"), String)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(zoningValue)  'Prints "R"

'Get the coded value stored in the domain associated with the 'Zoning_S' column
Dim zoningCodedDomainValue As String = DirectCast(values.GetCodedName("ZONING_S"), String)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(zoningCodedDomainValue)   'Prints "Residential"

See Also