Gets the name of the Raster but drops the version and owner prefixes if present.

Namespace:  ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Data

Assembly:  ESRI.ArcGISExplorer (in ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.dll) Version: (


public string ShortName { get; }
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public ReadOnly Property ShortName As String

Field Value

The name of the Raster but without any version or owner prefixes. For example, the ShortName of an Oracle ArcSDE raster called "myversion.someuser.myraster" would be "myraster".


The code below opens a ArcSDE geodatabase raster using the OpenArcSDERaster method, then prints the Name and ShortName properties.

  //The raster is stored in an SQL Server Express geodatabase so check that direct connect is possible
  if (ArcSDEConnectionProperties.CanUseDirectConnect == true)
    //Open a ArcSDE geodatabase raster 
    Raster mtnRaster = Raster.OpenArcSDERaster(@"C:\Data\SQLServer.sde", "SDE.DBO.SOUTHGORMS_HO");

    //Print the name of the raster
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(mtnRaster.Name);       //Prints "SDE.DBO.SOUTHGORMS_HO"
    //Print the short name of the raster
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(mtnRaster.ShortName);  //Prints "SOUTHGORMS_HO"
'The raster is stored in an SQL Server Express geodatabase so check that direct connect is possible
If ArcSDEConnectionProperties.CanUseDirectConnect = True Then

  'Open a ArcSDE geodatabase raster
  Dim mtnRaster As Raster = Raster.OpenArcSDERaster("C:\Data\SQLServer.sde", "SDE.DBO.SOUTHGORMS_HO")

  'Print the name of the raster
  System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(mtnRaster.Name)       'Prints "SDE.DBO.SOUTHGORMS_HO"
  'Print the short name of the raster
  System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(mtnRaster.ShortName)  'Prints "SOUTHGORMS_HO"

  'Find out how many bands the raster is composed of
  Dim bandCount As Integer = mtnRaster.BandCount

  'Print out the raster band names
  For Each bandName As String In mtnRaster.GetBandNames()

End If

See Also