Creates a new Table by joining the tables defined in the TableRelationship which has all the columns from both tables but only those rows which satisfy the specified join parameters.

Namespace:  ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Data

Assembly:  ESRI.ArcGISExplorer (in ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.dll) Version: (


public Table CreateJoinedTable(
	TableJoinType joinType,
	Filter filter
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Function CreateJoinedTable ( _
	joinType As TableJoinType, _
	filter As Filter _
) As Table


Type: ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Data..::.TableJoinType

One of the TableJoinType values which, in conjunction with the filter, determines the content of the joined table.
Type: ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Data..::.Filter

A Filter object containing additional search criteria which, in conjunction with the joinType, determines the content of the joined table.

Return Value

A new Table object which is the result of joining the tables defined in the TableRelationship.


Joins can only be performed where the relationship Cardinality is one-to-one. Performance will be improved if the columns participating in the join are indexed. When accessing columns in the joined table by name, use the fully qualified form: "table_name.column_name". Using the Table.Join method avoids the need to explicitly create a TableRelationship when joining two tables, but does not have the flexibility to specify additional search criteria.


The code below creates an in-memory TableRelationship between a geodatabase feature class and a dBase table then joins them together, but restricts the content of the joined Table to matching rows which satisfy the search criteria specified in the Filter object.
//Open geodatabase feature class   
Table countries = Table.OpenFileGeodatabaseTable(@"C:\Data\World.gdb", "country");

//Open dBase file
Table popStats = Table.OpenShapefile(@"C:\Data\World\DEMOG.dbf");

//Create a TableRelationship between the tables
TableRelationship cntryPopRel = TableRelationship.CreateMemoryRelationship("countryDEMOG", countries, "FIPS_CODE",
                                                            "FIPS_CODE", popStats, TableRelationshipCardinality.OneToOne);

//Join tables applying a filter which only returns north african countries which have matching records in the DEMOG table
Table joinedTable = cntryPopRel.CreateJoinedTable(TableJoinType.KeepOnlyMatchingRows, new Filter("Country.Region='Northern Africa'") );

//Print out all records from the joined table
foreach (Row row in joinedTable.GetRows())

  for (int i = 0; i < joinedTable.Columns.Count; i++)
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(joinedTable.Columns[i].Name + ": " + row.Values[i].ToString());

'Open geodatabase feature class   
Dim countries As Table = Table.OpenFileGeodatabaseTable("C:\Data\World.gdb", "country")

'Open dBase file
Dim popStats As Table = Table.OpenShapefile("C:\Data\World\DEMOG.dbf")

'Create a TableRelationship between the tables
Dim cntryPopRel As TableRelationship = TableRelationship.CreateMemoryRelationship("countryDEMOG", countries, "FIPS_CODE", _
                                                              "FIPS_CODE", popStats, TableRelationshipCardinality.OneToOne)

'Join tables applying a filter which only returns north african countries which have matching records in the DEMOG table
Dim joinedTable As Table = cntryPopRel.CreateJoinedTable(TableJoinType.KeepOnlyMatchingRows, New Filter("Country.Region='Northern Africa'"))

'Print out all records from the joined table
For Each r As Row In joinedTable.GetRows()


  For i As Integer = 0 To joinedTable.Columns.Count - 1
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(joinedTable.Columns.Item(i).Name & ": " & r.Values.Item(i).ToString())


See Also