Removes a specified number of points from the specified path within the Polyline, starting at the specified index position.

Namespace:  ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Geometry

Assembly:  ESRI.ArcGISExplorer (in ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.dll) Version: (


public void RemovePointsAt(
	int pathIndex,
	int pointIndex,
	int count
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Sub RemovePointsAt ( _
	pathIndex As Integer, _
	pointIndex As Integer, _
	count As Integer _


Type: System..::.Int32

The index position of the path to remove points from.
Type: System..::.Int32

The index position of the first Point within the pathIndex to remove.
Type: System..::.Int32

The number of points to remove.


RemovePointsAt removes multiple points from the specified path within the Polyline, beginning at the specified pointIndex and continuing until count points are removed; the number of points in the Polyline is reduced by count, and all other existing paths within the Polyline remain unchanged. Removing points from a path changes the shape of the path, so that the two points either side of the removed points will be directly connected.

Note that changing the shape of a path in a multipart Polyline may result in paths intersecting or overlapping each other or themselves; refer to the Simplify(Polyline) method for more information about removing such sections.


System..::.ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionThe specified pointIndex and pathIndexmust exist in the Polyline, and the specified count combined with the pointIndex must indicate a range of existing points in the specified path.

See Also