The name of the column which has been subtyped.

Namespace:  ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Data

Assembly:  ESRI.ArcGISExplorer (in ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.dll) Version: (


public string SubtypeColumnName { get; }
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public ReadOnly Property SubtypeColumnName As String

Field Value

The name of the subtyped column.


The code below demonstrates how to access the subtypes in a Table. The Table.IsSubtyped property is used to check that the Table is subtyped and the ColumnCollection.Subtypes property returns the Subtypes object. The name of the subtyped column is printed using the SubtypeColumnName property.
//Open the Buildings feature class
Table buildings = Table.OpenFileGeodatabaseTable(@"C:\Data\CalgaryData2.gdb", "Buildings");

//Check that the Table is subtyped
if (buildings.IsSubtyped)
  //Return the Subtypes from the ColumnCollection
  Subtypes subs = buildings.Columns.Subtypes;

  //Print the name of the Column which manages the subtypes
  System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(subs.SubtypeColumnName);   //Prints "BLDG_CODE"

  //Return a sorted list (value/description name) containing all the subtypes  
  SortedList<int, string> subtypesList = subs.GetSubtypeValueNamePairs();

  //Print out the contents of the subtypes
  for (int i = 0; i < subs.Count-1; i++)
    //Each Key is the subtype value
    //Each Value is the subtype descriptive name
'Open the Buildings feature class
Dim buildings As Table = Table.OpenFileGeodatabaseTable("C:\Data\CalgaryData2.gdb", "Buildings")

'Check that the Table is subtyped
If (buildings.IsSubtyped) Then

  'Return the Subtypes from the ColumnCollection
  Dim subs As Subtypes = buildings.Columns.Subtypes

  'Print the name of the Column which manages the subtypes
  System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(subs.SubtypeColumnName)   'Prints "BLDG_CODE"

  'Return a sorted list (value/description name) containing all the subtypes  
  Dim subtypesList As SortedList(Of Integer, String) = subs.GetSubtypeValueNamePairs()

  'Print out the contents of the subtypes
  For i As Integer = 0 To subs.Count - 1
    'Each Key is the subtype value
    'Each Value is the subtype descriptive name

End If

See Also