Gets or sets the data source properties for the RasterLayers underlying data.

Namespace:  ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Mapping

Assembly:  ESRI.ArcGISExplorer (in ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.dll) Version: (


public DataSourceProperties DataSourceProperties { get; set; }
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Property DataSourceProperties As DataSourceProperties

Field Value

A DataSourceProperties object containing the connection parameters for the RasterLayers underlying data.


In order to successfully Connect()()() a RasterLayer to a data source you must specify the connection details using this property. This varies according to the type of vector data that the layer references:
  • Raster file: Populate the DataSourceProperties with the fully qualified path to the raster file.
  • File geodatabase raster: Populate the DataSourceProperties with the path to the file geodatabase and the raster name.
  • ArcSDE raster: Populate the DataSourceProperties with the ArcSDEConnectionProperties and a raster name.

The property is set implicitly if you specify the DataSourceProperties when you create the RasterLayer, or if you use one of the static Open methods: OpenRasterFile(String), OpenFromRaster(Raster), OpenFileGeodatabaseRaster(String, String) or OpenArcSDERaster(ArcSDEConnectionProperties, String).

See Also