Returns a new Geometry which is a copy of the input Geometry moved by the specified amounts.

Overload List

Move(Geometry, Double, Double)
Returns a new Geometry which is a copy of the input Geometry moved by the specified distance along the x and y axis.
Move(Geometry, Double, Double, Unit)
Returns a new Geometry which is a copy of the input Geometry moved by the specified distance in the specified units, along the x and y axis.


This method is overloaded, giving options for moving a Geometry using the units of the Geometry's CoordinateSystem, or using a different specified unit of measurement.

The Move method does not change the inputGeometry object.

If you wish to move the Geometry of a Graphic, then you can use the Move and MoveTo methods directly on the Graphic class; these are convenience methods added as the Graphic class is designed to create moving symbols on the map.

See Also