
ArcGIS Desktop is available as ArcView, ArcEditor, or ArcInfo. Both the Concurrent Use versions and the Single Use versions are included in this media kit, which contains everything you need to install and use ArcGIS Desktop on various computers on a network. ArcView, ArcEditor, and ArcInfo are licensing product levels of ArcMap and ArcCatalog applications. Once installed, you can change product levels or switch between Concurrent Use and Single Use versions without uninstalling or performing any installation action.

For Concurrent Use versions, a license allows ArcGIS Desktop products to be used on any machine. Each installation must access a license manager that contains the appropriate license for the software seat type (ArcInfo, ArcEditor, or ArcView). The license manager, installed on the network, dictates the number of copies of ArcView, ArcEditor, or ArcInfo that can be run simultaneously. ArcInfo Workstation users will be familiar with the use of a license manager for software access.

For Single Use versions, an authorization file per machine is required. Once the ArcGIS Desktop installation is complete, you will be provided with the opportunity to authorize your Single Use product.

The installation of ArcGIS Desktop is a five-step process (with only the first three steps required for ArcGIS Desktop applications):

  1. Install the ArcGIS license manager (if one does not already exist for your use). If you intend to use ArcGIS Desktop as a Single Use version only, you do not need to install the ArcGIS license manager.
  2. Install ArcGIS Desktop.
  3. Complete the ArcGIS Administrator Wizard. Using the wizard you will need to specify your product type, assign a license manager (if using a Concurrent Use product), or authorize your software (if using a Single Use product).
  4. Install tutorial data (optional, from the ArcGIS Tutorial Data media).
  5. Install ArcGIS Desktop VBA Developer Resources or any other developer kit resources (optional, from the ArcGIS Desktop VBA Developer Resources folder \SDK_VBA located on the installation media).

What's in the box?

The ArcGIS Desktop media kit contains the following:

The installation media includes a DVD front end that provides links to the following setups. Click a link to start the setup program associated with it. If you choose, you can exit the DVD front end and run the installation setups on your own. To do so, navigate to the folder representing the product you want to install and start the setup program. For instance, to install ArcGIS Desktop, use Windows Explorer to access the \Desktop folder and start setup.exe or setup.msi.

Additional information is provided in this installation guide for the ArcGIS Desktop setup program.


DVD folder


ArcGIS Desktop for Windows


Contains the installation for ArcGIS Desktop and its extensions.

ArcGIS Desktop VBA Developer Resources


Contains the resources for extending ArcGIS Desktop using ArcObjects and the Visual Basic Applications development environment. This setup also installs Visual Basic for Applications (formerly installed by the ArcGIS Desktop setup) (optional).

Data Interoperability Extension


Provides direct data access, transformation, and export capabilities.

ArcSDE for Microsoft SQL Server Express


Contains the ArcSDE Personal Edition for Microsoft SQL Express (optional)

ArcObjects ESRI Developer Network (EDN) Resources for Developers

  • ArcObjects SDK for the Microsoft .NET Framework
  • ArcObjects SDK for Visual C++

  • \SDK_dotnet

  • \SDK_VB6

  • \SDK_VC++

Contains the resources for extending ArcGIS Desktop ArcObjects using the application programming interface (API) for .NET, VB6, or C++ (optional).

Additionally, the ArcGIS Desktop media kit contains the ArcGIS Desktop ESRI Developer Network Resources for Developers, which are also available to install.

ArcGIS tutorial data can be installed with the ArcGIS Tutorial Data setup located on the ArcGIS Tutorial Data media.

The media also contains a PDF version of the license agreement that is displayed during each installation. The license agreement is located in the \Desktop\Documentation folder.
