What's new in Esri Roads and Highways
With the 10 release, Esri Roads and Highways was introduced as part of the ArcGIS product line. Esri Roads and Highways is built on the ArcGIS platform to help maintain linear referencing system networks and associated asset data.
The following sections summarize changes in the software.
New at 10.0 Service Pack 3
Roads and Highways Desktop
- Networks are now persisted as a polylineMZ feature class in the geodatabase, this allows for:
- Drastic performance boosts to map navigation and spatial query for networks and events
- Support for ArcGIS linear referencing geoprocessing tools and related LRS features
- Full use of the ArcGIS time slider on Roads and Highways networks
- Geodatabase multi-versioned conflict detection on route geometries and measures for route edits
- Support for events offset from a feature class
- New geoprocessing tools:
- Detect Non-monotonic Routes
- Translate Events from LRM to LRM
- Convert M-value Units Of Measure
- Generate Routes
Roads and Highways Server
- REST Services enhancements
- Added support to return ALRS information about redline configuration
- Roadway Characteristic Editor enhancements:
- Ability to provide measure values for added events in a different LRM than they are stored
- Support for user storage of multiple attribute set definitions
- Ability to redline routes
- Ability to add new point events
- Merge events widgets
- Bulk event editing using a field calculator
- Simplified QC model deployment
- User help documentation
Roads and Highways Resource Center
- Roads and Highways product resource center is live
- Roads and Highways user forum is live
- Posted Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) 2012 reporting geoprocessing models (for U.S. State DOTs)
Bug Fixes
- See support site for complete list of fixed defects
New at 10.0 Service Pack 2
- Deployment of the Roadway Characteristics web editor.
- Roads and Highways now supports registering event layers offset from X and Y locations and event layers offset from other registered events.
- As a result of the new event types, Roads and Highways employs an updated ALRS Event Setup wizard to streamline the event creation process.
- The software provides a new activity type to support cartographic realignment called Cartographic Realign Route.
- You can implement quality control using three new geoprocessing tools: Detect Gaps for Linear Events, Detect Measures Out of Range, and Detect Overlaps for Linear Events.
New at 10.0 Service Pack 1
- The Roads and Highways extension requires a Roads and Highways license in ArcMap to access the features and tools.
- Roads and Highways now supports 3D elevation data and routes.
- You can create, extend, or realign a route by selecting an existing route in another network. A new tool named Select Route Portion is added to the Roads And Highways Editing to support selecting an existing route in another network.
- Suggested measures let Roads and Highways suggest From and/or To measure values when creating, extending, realigning, and reassigning routes.
- Redlines and source geometry features do not need to be M- or Z-enabled.
- Multiple source geometry features from different sources can be used in one source geometry selection. You can now integrate CADD, shapefiles, and feature classes as your source geometry to create, extend, and realign route activities.
- Select multiple source geometry features by pressing and holding the SHIFT key. Segments are labeled in the order selected.
- Labels are displayed in the center of the source geometry feature based on the order of selection.
- The Order Source Geometry dialog box has been deprecated with this release.
- Source geometry features that are multipart polyline are supported.
- You can define a primary key for external events or change the primary key if the staging table is not yet created or if the staging table contains no records.
- The ability to flip the source geometry direction is now accessible by pressing and holding the ALT key.
Roads and Highways Server
At Service Pack 1, Esri Roads and Highways has developed a Roads and Highways Server. The following features are available:
- Roads and Highways Server supports publishing Roads and Highways Network and Event layers as an ArcGIS Server map service. These services are authored with Roads and Highways Desktop and published to Roads and Highways Server, an extension to ArcGIS Server.
- Esri Roads and Highways REST end points support map export (visualization) and query against Roads and Highways network layers and map export, query, and editing against Roads and Highways event layers. See Esri Roads and Highways REST API for more information.
- Here is a list of JavaScript developer samples that demonstrate how the Roads and Highways REST API can be leveraged to build custom web applications. See Esri Roads and Highways sample web applications.