Creating a map based on current extent

MPS-Atlas allows you to apply a layout as well as any map sheet data frame manager properties to your current data to create a map. The Create Map Sheet command allows you to add your data, pan and zoom to any area, select a map document or map sheet to use for the layout, and apply that layout to the current extent.

You can choose to use a map sheet as the layout template and apply that layout to the current extent.

  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > MPS Atlas.

    The MPS Atlas toolbar appears.

  3. Click the MPS Atlas window button MPS Atlas window on the MPS Atlas toolbar.

    The MPS Atlas window appears.

  4. Right-click in the MPS Atlas window and click Create Map Sheet.

    The File Layout Applicator Properties dialog box appears.

  5. Click Browse.

    The Open dialog box appears.

  6. Navigate to the map document you want to use.
  7. Click Open.
  8. Click the Select Layout drop-down arrow and choose the layout you want to use.

    You will only see more than one layout if the map document you've chosen is an MPS-Atlas .mxd with more than one layout.

  9. In the Data Options area, choose one of the following options:
    • Leave the existing layersOnly the layers in the .mxd chosen in the dialog box are displayed. Layers in the current (active) document are removed.
    • Append layers from the selected layout with the existing layersThe layers in the .mxd chosen in the dialog box are appended to the top of the table of contents of the current (active) document.
    • Replace the existing layers with the layers from the selected layoutThe layers in the .mxd chosen in the dialog box are replaced with only the layers in the current (active) document.
  10. Click OK.

The layout you imported in step 8 displays in the MPS Atlas window. Depending on your choice in step 9, new data may display in the ArcMap table of contents.
