Batch processing .eps files

You can batch process .eps files using the See Spot Color tool. This allows you to create color-mapped .eps files for a series of map sheets that use the same set of colors.

  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. If necessary, load data in the map.
  3. Switch to layout view.
  4. On the main menu, click File > Convert to Spot EPS file.

    The SeeSpotColor dialog box appears.

  5. Click Batch.

    The Batch Processing dialog box appears.

  6. Click the Add button Add next to the Input EPS files list.

    The Select an ArcMap EPS file (multiple selection allowed) dialog box appears.

  7. Select the .eps files for which you want to create color-mapped files.
  8. Click Open.

    The file names appear in the Input EPS files list.

  9. Click the Open button Open next to the Input Spot Color Set (.scs) file (required) text box.

    The Load a Spot Color Set file dialog box appears.

  10. Navigate to the .scs file you want to use with the .eps files.
  11. Click Open.

    The Batch Processing dialog box appears.

    Batch Processing dialog box

    You can remove individual .eps files from the Input EPS files list by selecting them and clicking the Remove button Remove.

  12. Click OK.

    Color-mapped .eps files are created for all the files in the Input EPS files list.

  13. Click Cancel to close the Batch Processing dialog box, or click Single to return to the SeeSpotColor dialog box.
