Configuring the way coordinates are displayed through the Feature Builder Settings dialog box

This topic applies to ArcEditor and ArcInfo only.

You can control the way coordinates appear on the Input tab in the Coordinates area of the Feature Builder window. Choices are provided for both geographic and projected coordinate systems.


When these values are defined, certain tools will warn you when you attempt to create features outside the ranges you have defined, even though it is allowed by the database.

For geographic coordinate systems, there are several ways to customize the appearance of coordinates:

For projected coordinate systems, you can choose a format for displaying the coordinates. You can display the coordinates using northing and easting, or you can choose to see the raw coordinates, which are coordinates without any formatting applied. The units used with a projected coordinate system match the map units set for your data frame on the General tab on the Data Frame Properties dialog box.

  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. On the menu bar, click Customize > Toolbars > Production Feature Builder.
  3. Click the Launch Feature Builder button Launch Feature Builder on the Production Feature Builder toolbar.

    The Feature Builder window appears in ArcMap.

    The Feature Builder window
    The Feature Builder window


    The Feature Builder window can be placed anywhere in ArcMap, or in the TOC, with the aid of the arrows showing the possible placement positions.

  4. Click the Settings button Settings at the top of the Feature Builder window.
    The Feature Builder Settings dialog box appears.
  5. Click Coordinate Display on the left-hand pane.

    The coordinate display properties appear.

    Coordinate Display pane on the Feature Builder Settings dialog box

    If you are using a geographic coordinate system, skip step 7. If you are using a projected coordinate system, skip step 6.

  6. If you are using a geographic coordinate system, perform the following sub steps in the Geographic Coordinates area:
    1. Click the Display Order drop-down arrow and choose an option for displaying the longitude and latitude coordinates.

      You can choose to have longitude coordinates shown first or latitude.

    2. Click the Display Format drop-down arrow and choose a coordinate format to use.
    3. Type the number of digits you want to come after the decimal point in the Display Precision text box.

      The number of integers represent how precisely you want the coordinates to be displayed in the status bar.

    4. Type a minimum value for the map extent in the Min text box in the Latitude Range area.
    5. Type a maximum value for the map extent in the Max text box in the Latitude Range area.
    6. Type a minimum value for the map extent in the Min text box in the Longitude Range area.
    7. Type a maximum value for the map extent in the Max text box in the Longitude Range area.
  7. If you are using a projected coordinate system, click the Display Format drop-down arrow in the Projected Coordinates area and choose the format you want to use to display the coordinates.
  8. Click OK.
