Adding new users to the product library

Using the administrator's database connection, user accounts are created for anyone who is going to have access to the product library. To create a new user, the person must first be added as a product library user, then permissions can be assigned.

Initially, the user must be added to the geodatabase by the administrator. Each user is added using the first name, last name, and Windows user name.


This only applies if you are using an ArcSDE geodatabase as your product library. Personal and file geodatabase permissions are defined by the user's permissions at the operating system level.

  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. On the main menu, click Customize > Production > Production Properties.

    The Production Properties dialog box appears.

  3. If necessary, click Data Management.
    Data Management pane on the Production Properties dialog box
  4. Click the cell next to Set Tool Options.
    Data Management pane
  5. Click the drop-down arrow, then click the ellipsis (...) next to Product Library Users.

    The User Editor dialog box appears.

    User Editor dialog box
  6. TipTip:

    If you are using an ArcSDE geodatabase as your product library, you can also add new users to the product library by right-clicking a series and clicking Permissions.

  7. Right-click anywhere in the Users in the current Product Library list and click New User.

    A new row appears in the list.


    If you are using an ArcSDE geodatabase as your product library, you can also add users when you are assigning permissions to existing users.

  8. Type the user's first name in the First Name cell.
  9. Type the user's last name in the Last Name cell.
  10. Type the user's Windows login name in the Users cell.
  11. Repeat steps 6–9 for each user you need to add to the product library.
  12. Click OK.

    The Data Management pane appears.

  13. Click OK.

If the user name(s) are valid, the user(s) are added to the product library.
