Basic user interface elements

ESRI applications all have a Main menu and Standard toolbar that appear by default. Both are referred to as toolbars, although the Main menu toolbar contains menus only.

The Main menu and Standard toolbar

Main menu and Standard toolbar

Additional toolbars are available for use when you are performing a particular task. Any toolbar can be docked at the top or bottom or to the left or right side of the applications. Alternatively, toolbars can float on the desktop while functioning as part of the application. When you dock a toolbar, it is moved and resized with the application's window.

About toolbars and commands

Toolbars can contain different types of commands—buttons, tools, tool palettes, combo boxes, edit boxes, and menus. Each command has code associated with it, whether it's core to the application or something you've created yourself. All commands generally execute in the same manner, although you use each type differently when interacting with the application.

Types of commands

You'll work with different types of commands:

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