Opening and closing the Catalog window

The Catalog window can be opened and closed in ArcMap.

Opening the Catalog window

If the Catalog window is not visible in ArcMap, you can open it by clicking Windows > Catalog on the main menu.

Opening the Catalog Window

Working with a retractable Catalog window

In ArcGIS, you can interactively dock and retract windows against the sides of the application window and slide them open as you need them. Retracting the Catalog window enables you to have more of your application window devoted to your map display.

Pausing the pointer over the Catalog tab will dynamically open the Catalog window so you can work with it.

Click the menu pin in the upper right corner to make your menu retract or to pin it open.

Click on the Catalog menu pin.

When the Catalog window is retracted into the side of the application window, you'll see a Catalog menu tab on the side of the application. Pausing on this tab will open the Catalog window.

Retracting and opening the Catalog Window

Click the pushpin to hold the Catalog window open.

You can close the Catalog window by clicking the X in the upper right corner.

Opening and closing windows

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Published 6/7/2010