Using label classes to label features from the same layer differently

  1. Click the Label Manager button Label Manager on the Labeling toolbar.
  2. Click the layer in the Label Classes box for which you want to create label classes.
  3. Type a name for your new label class in the Enter class name text box and click Add.
  4. Uncheck the Default label class to avoid labeling some features twice.
  5. Right-click the new label class in the Label Classes list and click SQL Query.
  6. Click the operators to build an expression that identifies the subset of features you want to label.
  7. SQL Query dialog box
  8. Click OK.
  9. Click the Label Field drop-down arrow and click the attribute field you want to use as a label.
  10. Click the buttons and drop-down menus to define the symbol and placement properties of your labels.
  11. Repeat steps 2 through 9 if you want to create additional label classes.
  12. Click OK.
You can use label classes to label only a subset of features in a layer. For example, you might label only cities with a population greater than 1,000,000.
You can specify a different label field, symbol, scale range, label priority, and set of label placement options for each label class.
Label classes allow you to use a different text symbol to label different types of features in the same layer. For example, you can label cities with a large population in a larger font than those with a smaller population.

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