Evaluating ArcGIS Desktop extensions

About evaluating ArcGIS Desktop extensions

At any time, you can choose to evaluate ArcGIS Desktop extensions that you have not purchased. The evaluation is free of charge for a fixed period of time.

You can evaluate the following ArcGIS Desktop extensions:

With the ArcGIS Desktop Single Use products, you can enable extensions for evaluation through the authorization process.

To evaluate extensions for the ArcGIS Desktop Concurrent Use products, you must order evaluation authorization numbers.

For more information about adding additional extensions after initial installation, see Adding additional installation features.

How to evaluate ArcGIS Desktop extensions

If you installed the ArcGIS Desktop extensions during your initial installation of ArcGIS, you can evaluate the extensions via the following methods:

If you do not have the extension you want to evaluate installed, you should rerun your setup.exe program and choose the option to modify your installation and select the extension(s) to install. After installing the appropriate extension(s), you can evaluate the extensions via one of the methods above.

To order evaluation authorization numbers for extensions for the ArcGIS Desktop Concurrent Use products:

Duration of evaluation period

Once you have registered the ArcGIS Desktop extensions, you have a fixed period of time to evaluate them. The evaluation begins once you have completed the registration process for the ArcGIS Desktop extensions. If you are registering by e-mail, fax, or mail, the evaluation period begins when you initially contact ESRI. The evaluation period cannot be extended.

Finding ArcGIS Desktop extension registration numbers

When evaluating the ArcGIS extensions for ArcGIS Desktop Single Use products, you are not required to enter the authorization numbers. During the authorization process, at the Evaluate Software Extensions dialog box, select the extensions you want to evaluate and add them to the evaluation list.
