Displaying data from a globe service

ArcGIS globe service layers can be consumed by the suite of ArcGIS applications, including ArcGlobe, ArcCatalog, ArcReader, and ArcGIS Explorer. In addition, globe service layers are also consumable in stand-alone applications built from ArcEngine using the GlobeControl.

In ArcGlobe, using globe server layers is similar to using any other 3D layer. After connecting to the ArcGIS Server machine via either LAN or Internet (http) connection, you can select the Server Object to get all the layers contained within it or descend into it to pick a particular layer.

When the globe server object is consumed as a whole, you will also be able to use any animation files that have been published along with the server object.

You can also use the preview mode in ArcCatalog to visualize globe service layers. To preview 3D globe data in ArcCatalog, you need to make sure the ArcGIS 3D Analyst extension is enabled.

If you have the optional ArcGIS Publisher extension, you can publish an ArcReader document from ArcGlobe that consists of globe service layers. These ArcReader documents can then be visualized by downloading the free ArcReader client. Since the ArcReader document only contains a reference to the globe service layers, its size is usually very small. This can be a convenient way to disseminate your GIS content, for example, by sending an email or posting it on a Web site to users that may not have ArcGIS installed.

For more information on globe services, tips for authoring and globe server usages, see the ArcGIS Server help topics listed below.

What is a globe service?

Tips for authoring globe services

Globe service usage

For more information on using ArcGIS Explorer to consume your globe service layers, see the ArcGIS Explorer online help system about adding content to a map and how to connect to a GIS service.

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