How to measure 2D distances

Measuring 2D distances in the scene allows you to find the distance between points of interest.

To measure the distance in the scene, you can use the Measure Length On Ground Measure Line tool Measure Line on the Measure dialog box.

  1. Click the Measure Globe Measure tool on the Tools toolbar.
  2. The Measure window appears.
  3. Click the Measure Length On Ground Measure Line tool.
  4. Click the point of interest where you want to start measuring the 2D distance.
  5. Move the pointer to the next point of interest and click to measure the 2D distance. If you want to continue measuring distances to other points, simply move the pointer to another location and click to add additional vertices.
  6. Double-click where you want to end the line.

The distance between the last two points of interest, along with the total distance from the starting point, is displayed on the Measure dialog box.


You can also press ESC to finish measuring.
