About displaying KML data in ArcGlobe

Keyhole Markup Language (KML) is an XML-based language for defining the display of three-dimensional spatial data in the program Google Earth. KML files have either a .kml file extension or a .kmz file extension (for zipped KML files).

KML files can define feature data or image data. Feature data is embedded within the KML file and may contain attribute information and metadata. Image data can be either embedded within the KML file or referenced by its file location.

ArcGlobe supports the display of a subset of the KML 2.2 specification. KML layers are treated in a similar manner as 3D graphics layers, with the caveat that individual KML elements are read-only. You can view, identify, use HTML pop-ups, and toggle the visibility of the elements of a KML layer, but you cannot, for example, interactively change their symbology or geographic location. Also, KML elements are not available for running geoprocessing or analysis tasks. The individual nodes of a KML file are exposed in the KML Contents window which is accessed from the KML toolbar. Click the Show/Hide KML Contents Show/Hide KML Contents button to open the window.

KML data is displayed as a single layer in the Draped layers category within the table of contents, regardless of the elements within the data. KML elements that are draped on the surface of the globe will honor their visibility priority within the draped category. KML elements that are defined as floating will continue to define their own height values separately to the rest of the layer.

Nodes within KML data may contain additional information or metadata inside their Description tag. In Google Earth, this information is displayed in a pop-up balloon window when the KML node is clicked in the 3D view. In ArcGIS, the Identify tool can be used to access the same information.

For more in-depth information on using KML with your ArcGIS information, see KML support in ArcGIS. This will lead you to many topics including the overview support of KML in ArcGIS; KML elements; the steps for authoring, publishing, and serving KML; and organization tips as well as frequently asked questions.

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