Using the Set Observer tool in ArcScene

As its name implies, the Set Observer tool directly manipulates the observer location. When you click on the 3D view to set a new observer location, the camera will move so that the same target location is being viewed from the new observer location. This is similar to keeping your eyes locked on a tree while walking to the other side of the park.

A common use for this tool is to determine what a person could see from a particular location (for example, the view from a building window). After changing the observer position using this tool, switch to the Fly tool and click once to interactively look around the 3D view without moving the observer.

  1. In ArcScene, click the Set Observer Set Observer button on the Tools toolbar.
  2. The pointer changes to indicate the Set Observer tool.

  3. Click once in the 3D view, either on the surface or a 3D object.
  4. The observer location is updated to the new location while maintaining the same target location in the center of the view.

  • To avoid possible confusion when changing the observer position, use the Center on Target tool to lock the target position first. That way, you will know the direction you are looking after moving the observer.
  • The Set Observer functionality is also exposed as a shortcut on the standard Navigate Tool. If you hold down the CTRL key and click the middle mouse button while using the Navigate tool, a new Observer position will be defined without needing to change tools.
