Applanix exterior orientation file
The exterior orientation file, provided with the Applanix data, contains specific information about the flight and collection. The information in this file must contain the following information in a consistent order.
The EO text file must contain the following line:
(position in Meters, orientation in Degrees, lat, long in Deg)
The frame information—ID, # EVENT, TIME(s), EASTING, NORTHING, ELLIPSOID HEIGHT, OMEGA, PHI, KAPPA, LAT, LONG—must be present after the above mentioned line in this order. These fields are tab separated. Only the LAT and LONG fields are optional. The value of the ID field must be the same as the name of the image and can be specified with or without an extension.
Correct examples

The field names in these examples are aligned with the values for readability. However, in reality, they will not align, but will be positioned using a tab delimiter.
Using all fields
(position in Meters, orientation in Degrees, lat, long in Deg) ID # EVENT TIME(s) EASTING NORTHING ELLIPSOID HEIGHT OMEGA PHI KAPPA LAT LONG 196493710 3 564155.65 365324.63 3096141.49 2088.37 -1.05 0.32 179.18 27.98 -82.36
Exluding the last LAT and LONG fields
(position in Meters, orientation in Degrees, lat, long in Deg) ID # EVENT TIME(s) EASTING NORTHING ELLIPSOID HEIGHT OMEGA PHI KAPPA 196493710 3 564155.65 365324.63 3096141.49 2088.37 -1.05 0.32 179.18
Incorrect examples
Unit specification is above below the frame information
In this example, the unit specification line is below the frame information—which is incorrect. The unit specification line must be above the frame information.
ID # EVENT TIME(s) EASTING NORTHING ELLIPSOID HEIGHT OMEGA PHI KAPPA LAT LONG 196493710 3 564155.65 365324.63 3096141.49 2088.37 -1.05 0.32 179.18 27.98 -82.36 (position in Meters, orientation in Degrees, lat, long in Deg)
The 2nd and 3rd fields are missing
In this example, the # EVENT and TIME(s) fields are missing; therefore, the frame information will not be read correctly.
(position in Meters, orientation in Degrees, lat, long in Deg) ID EASTING NORTHING ELLIPSOID HEIGHT OMEGA PHI KAPPA LAT LONG 196493710 365324.63 3096141.49 2088.37 -1.05 0.32 179.18 27.98 -82.36