NITF raster type

NITF data can be added to a mosaic dataset using the NITF raster type or the raster dataset raster type. When it's added using the NITF raster type, the metadata fields specified below will be added and populated in the attribute table. When you add NITF data using the raster dataset raster type, these metadata fields are not created or populated in the attribute table. Using the NITF raster type allows you to create a mosaic dataset where you can query the mosaic dataset attribute table for the imagery according to the metadata in the attribute table.

The NITF raster type supports NITF versions 1.1, 2.0, and 2.1.


When using commercial NITF imagery, such as Quickbird, GeoEye, IKONOS, WorldView-1, WorldView-2, or RapidEye, you will want to first ingest one image into the mosaic dataset using the NITF raster type. This will create a mosaic dataset using the NITF fields. Then use the sensor-specific raster type to add the remaining imagery. When the first image is added it will create the NITF fields, any subsequent additions of imagery will populate the fields accordingly.

NITF fields added to attribute table





File Profile Name

File type, such as NITF


File Version

File version, such as 1.1, 2.0, and 2.1


File Title

Title of the file


File Security Classification

Classification level of the entire file, such as unclassified (U)


File Security Classification System

National or multinational security system codes found in DIAM 65-19, such as United States (US)


File Code Words

Indicator of the security compartments associated with the file


File Control and Handling

Additional security control caveats associated with the file


File Releasing Instructions

List of country or multilateral entities the file is authorized for release as found in FIPS 10-4


Originator's Name

Valid name for the operator who originated the file


Image Date and Time

Time of the image acquisition in the format CCYYMMDDhhmmss


Target ID

Identification of primary target consisting of ten characters of BE (Basic Encyclopedia) identifier, followed by the two character country code, as in FIPS PUB 10-4


Image Source

A description of the source of the image.


Image Representation

The color space of the image, such as single band (MONO), three-band color image (RGB), or multiband image (MULTI)


Image Category

The category type of the image, such as visible (VIS), electro-optical (EO), or radar (RD)


Image Coordinate Representation

The type of coordinate system used for providing an approximate location of the image


Number of Bands

Number of bands within the specified image


Predicted NIIRS

Imagery NIIRS value found in the CSEXRA TRE.


Circular Error

Predicted CE/90 in the geolocation of the scene found in the CSEXRA TRE


Linear Error

Predicted CE/90 in the geolocation in the scene found in the CSEXRA TRE


Cloud Cover

Indicates the percentage of the image that is obscured by cloud found in the PIAIMC TRE


Sensor Name

The name of the sensor used in capturing the image found in the PIAIMC TRE


Mean Ground Sample Distance

Geometric mean of the across and along scan center-to-center distance between contiguous ground samples found in the PIAIMC TRE

NITF fields in attribute table


MIL-STD-2500C "National Imagery Transmission Format Version 2.1", May 01, 2006, United States Department of Defense.

STDI-0006 "National Imagery Transmission Format Requirements Document", December 20, 2006, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.

STDI-0002 "The Compendium of Controlled Extensions for the National Imagery Transmission Format", November 16, 2000, National Imagery and Mapping Agency.

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