Repairing paths in a mosaic dataset
Since mosaic datasets contain references to their source data, these paths are not altered as part of a move or copy operation. Therefore, if the mosaic dataset is moved or copied within the same computer, the paths are likely the same and will not be affected. However, when you move or copy your mosaic dataset to another computer, the paths to the source rasters will likely change and you will have to update the paths.
Alternatively, if you move the source rasters, the paths will need to be updated in the mosaic dataset. The paths are not automatically updated using any copying operation, but there are options within the software to repair these paths.
If you know the paths you need to replace, you can right-click the mosaic dataset in ArcMap or the Catalog window and choose the Repair option. This opens the Repair Mosaic Dataset dialog box allowing you to define an old path and a new path. Steps to use this dialog box are described below.
If you don't know the paths, you may need to identify all the broken paths before repairing them. To find all the broken paths, use the Export Raster Catalog Paths tool. This tool will output a table with all the paths or just the broken paths. You can then fix the broken paths using the Repair Raster Catalog Paths tool or the Repair Mosaic Dataset dialog box.
- Add your mosaic dataset to ArcMap.
- Optionally, use the selection tools to select the rasters in the mosaic dataset whose paths need to be repaired.
Right-click the mosaic dataset in the table of contents and click Repair Mosaic Dataset.
You do not need to add the mosaic dataset to ArcMap to access the Repair Mosaic Dataset dialog box. You can access it from the context menu on the mosaic dataset in the Catalog window or ArcCatalog.
Optionally, check Only Broken Paths.
The mosaic dataset is aware of the paths that are broken. When you check this option, you can reduce the length of time used to search for and modify the paths. Alternatively, you may have some rasters that remain in the original path location and you don't want these paths to be modified.
- Click the first row, under Old Path, and type in your old path, such as C:\MyData\City\Rasters.
Click the same row, under New Path, and type in your new path, such as \\ServerA\CityData\Rasters.
The old and new paths do not have to be the entire paths; they can be the parts of the paths that have changed. For example, if you have renamed the disk location, you only need to rename part of it. For C:\MyData\City\Raster, you can specify C:\ for the Old Path and D:\ for the New Path.
Optionally, you can use the Folder Paths Depth arrows to identify the beginning part of paths that you may need to modify.
This option returns path information from a limited number of items in the mosaic dataset (approximately 50). If you need a complete list of paths, use the Export Raster Catalog Paths tool.
- If you made a selection, check Repair Selected Items Only.
- Click OK to run this operation.