About the Find Address task

The Find Address task prompts the user for an address and displays the address on the map. You configure the task to work with an address locating Web service of your choice.

Selecting a locator

The Find Address task is based on an address locator service. This can be an ArcGIS Server geocode service, an ArcIMS geocode service, or a Bing Maps service.

Once you add a Find Address task to your application, you need to specify the locator service using the Supporting Services link. Use the Add GIS Server link to connect to the server containing your locator. If you need help navigating this dialog box, see the instructions in Adding layers to a Web application in Manager.


If you select a geocode service from ArcGIS Server 9.2, the coordinate system of the geocode service must match the coordinate system of the map. If you use a geocode service from ArcGIS Server 9.3 or later, it can have any coordinate system. The geocode service has been enhanced to return the task results in the coordinate system of the map.

A Bing Maps service can be very useful for the Find Address task because the service is configured to find well-known places that may not have a well-known street address (for example, "Lincoln Memorial"). If you select the Bing Maps service, your map must include a Bing Maps layer that is set as the Primary Map Resource, meaning that the map is configured to use the layer's coordinate system.


Keep in mind that there are specific restrictions when using Bing Maps geocoding:

  • Geocodes may not be stored for any purpose except caching for performance.
  • Geocodes may not be displayed on any map other than a Bing Map.

For more information on the Bing Maps terms of use when using Esri products, see the Microsoft Bing Maps Services Terms of Use.

Behavior with composite locators

When searching a composite locator, the Find Address task searches all the individual locators that comprise the composite locator. This behavior is mentioned here because some ArcGIS Desktop tools that perform batch geocoding stop searching a composite locator once a match is found.

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